Is Alpha Lipoic Acid save for us?

I took it for my neuropathy (not PFS induced) and it has helped me significantly. But in the meantime I feel rather bad with it, it feels like it deplete something in the body.
Here’s a guy named @wlan who claims to have developed PFS like symptoms from ALA and L-Arginine (I’m convinced he doesn’t have PFS but chronic pelvic pain syndrome since he was in the gym and it triggered CPPS in many). I researched internsiv and could not find anything regarding ALA and negativ effect on DHT/T/libido. So it seems safe for us?

Even if it is safe, it doesn’t really cure anything.

I don’t claimed it would.

ALA if taken should be taken every 2-3 hours.

Please look up Andy Cutler Protocol…

If you take ALA randomly…Even though you will feel better in the short term…You will feel worse in the longrun…

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I’m do a chelation process right now with ALA.
Any problems stemming from ALA would be due to the heavy metals detox, and nothing todo with PFS. IMO.

Look up Andy Cutler Chelation…

Don’t take ALA randomly… You will get hurt in the long run…

My dentist suggested it for gum issues and I reacted badly. Prior to the worsening state I took it regularly along with acetelcarnatine without issue

You are playing with fire…
No issues doesn’t mean…it is not hurting you…

look up…‘Andy cutler Chelation’…it is a powerful supplement if used right…
If it not used right…it will hurt you in the long run…

It was a staple of mine for a while but could no longer tolerate it and made me worse. Mind you nearly everything does except magnesium.