Is a 5ht4 receptor agonist dangerous to us?

Considering using motegrity for digestive issues, but i don’t understand the science too well.

Would appreciate if one of the literate brothers here can help

Not really experimenting just in a desperate situation :confused:

Hey man I wouldn’t risk it. It’s just not worth potentially having another crash.

Yeah which is why i haven’t tried it yet

However I do take several medications for years now without any crashes so in desperate times like now im open

How are you holding up

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Not so good my brother. Muscle continues to go, and any attempt to bump up testosterone causes body wide spasms. Feet are still thinning out to the point where it’s hard to stand. Lower back and joint problems make it hard to walk. Then there’s the tinnitus, dry skin, dry eyes, no sleep… could go on and on. All because of a second nightmare crash :frowning: But I’m holding out for a miracle, even if I’ve deluded myself into thinking one is coming.

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