Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) treatments?

I’m now in pain and discomfort from eating, I’m losing weight, my stomach is always sore and I can’t tolerate any foods (even gluten free).

Are there any safe treatments for IBS? Medication or natural?

I’ve been prescribed Mebevenine but it’s caused brain fog to one person here. I already use VSL3 probiotic but no improvement.

Have you tried just changing your diet? I assume increasing your fibre intake is a good thing here - more fruit, vegetables and fibre.

…or the other way around.

I had to reduce fibre which worked at first but now the IBS symptoms have come back and worsened. I had 4 mini crashes in a few weeks relating to stress. My digestion went from good to awful.
My gut now feels nervous in the morning along with elevated heart rate. It seems there’s some connection.

Digestion problems do go hand in hand for many here.

I think a bland, higher fibre diet is likely to be beneficial, but if your experience doesn’t reflect that, a food diary would be perhaps helpful. I think even “normal” IBS patients have to find out which foods trigger them.

I knew someone who had it very mildly and he had to limit himself to one coffee a day as any more would cause discomfort.

Thanks Greek. I think I’m at the point we’re ill need medication as all my safe foods are now causing reactions. I’d kill for a coffee, even decaf triggers depression.
Hopefully things will improve.

I’ve got things crossed for you.

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