Irregular heartbeats question

Greetings, for those that have irregular heart beats, are your hearbeats:

A) too slow at times (Tachycardia)
B) too fast at times (bradycardia)
C) erratic at times (arrhythmias)

If you can, please reply with the respective letter. Thank you!

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Thanks for asking. My answer won’t really help, but here goes. For the first 3-4 months, I would say B. Since then, I would say A with bouts of C.

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First few months were B and C; but after therapy sessions and time, it’s been between normal beating and A.



Doesn’t seem to be a problem now, but that’s what I had in the past.

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B and C it started years ago while on fin. It stopped but returned 4 years ago and is intermittent it always passes after a few minutes. For me I think potassium kicks it off or when I give into the constant cravings and have sugar which I never had prior to pfs.

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Mine tends to go with A and C. The arrhythmias started in 2020 and will come and go. It’s odd. My resting heart rate hovers around 42-46 bpms

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Hi guys, I experience pfs symptom from topical dut a d MInoxidil and Ru58841. I don’t know exactly which one cause me to be damaged but i used the kitchen sink approach to save my hair. I listened and trusted YouTube ‘biohackers’ that propped up the weaker examples of pfs and how to recover from it. (IE Leo thi is progesterone will recover scar tissue formation of penile) he doesn’t acknowledge the possibility of this scarring in the firs t place. Because I was naive and believed these seemingly smart men, I am now harmed. I regret to use these compounds and I truly wish I had not listened to them.

To get on topic of this thread, I had some heart flutters that wake me up every night at 3-5am. For 2 months now I get this heart flutters at same time of day. I also wake up feeling scared and alone like my brain is depleted, and I feel ashamed and guilty I did this to myself. I really wish to remove this channels of biohackers like derrek, Leo… They can cause harm and push dangerous product and get kickback from affiliate links, and they never state the true risks.

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Hey @Ygb350! Welcome to the forums, friend.

I’m not an expert by any means, but it seems like you may be having these bouts due to strong stress and anxiety from your fears. This may not be the case for you but I was like this in the first few months. In those months, I had minor anxiety attacks (sometimes major) every single day at the same time at 6-7 pm. They would get so bad that I had to stop what I was doing to calm myself down. It would last for minutes up to 2 hours. Periodically, I waked up at night immediately going into panic mode. It was horrific. I later discovered that my issues were strongly tied to my deep fears and it took a lot of time and effort to fix my mental health.

So, what I’m saying is, maybe try seeking out therapy? Learning to forgive yourself is honestly the most difficult part of it all. I still haven’t managed that yet but I’m making strides. I think working out a plan to tackle where your thoughts are going is the first step to getting better. I wish you the best :slight_smile: