Iodine -- Huge progress

What i have read is 8 drops 4 times a day

Hi, thanks for this post and clearing this up… very interesting that you have solved that equation as that was one of my main concerns. How exactly do you know that magnesium, vit b, vit c, vit d, or zinc are important for not getting these symptoms? What I’m saying is, can you explain scientifically what is happening with these things when you take the iodine just so I can understand better or what sources you used in your investigation of this?

what do you think about those people who have BAD reactions to vitamin d?

OK Important update.

The last few days ive been haveing to take so much magnesium to deal with the panicky nervous energy that I was getting major diarrhea. Insomnia was also becoming a major problem. Im dam stubborn and refused to back off the iodine, mainly because through all this I was still seeing improvements in sensitivity and libido. I found the answer. I had read about the importants of salt loading to deal with the bromine detox over and over yet for whatever reason neglected to use it. What i believe happened was my body expelled all my salt while pushing bromine out and I had not replaced it. The last few days i had completely stopped sweating and when I did  sweat it was completely not salty. I spent all day salt loading and it worked Im back on track 100% No anxiety no palpitation. It took A LOT of salt to get my levels back to normal levels. I should have been doing it daily while I was showing detox symptoms, live you learn.

If you are going to try high dose iodine therapy you are probably going to detox bromine hard, and when you do you gotta salt load!

bryce54: Ill post a link to a great overview of iodine put together buy 3 of the leading experts, they have treated thousands with high doses. If you scroll to the section on companion nutrients you will see magnesium is one of the major ones, its also known potent natural anti anxiety.

Update on my progress. My libido is increasing incrementally day in day out. My mind penis connection seems to be rebuilding incrementally day in day out. Its hard to describe but it dosen’t feel like something is stimulating my libido. It feels like something is repairing all the mechanisms that govern it, its quite wonderful.

I seem to be able to masturbate and recover, masturbate and recover. Dosent feel like my hormones are a house of cards ready to collapse any more, I feel robust. I feel like receptors are coming online I feel like my prostate is coming online. I also have more energy then i can ever remember.

At some point soon ill be upping my dose to 100mg per day, ill keep you guys posted on my progress, FINGERS CROSSED.

My order will be here in a few days. What was your libido like before Iodine? Also can you give us a brief over-view your history and all your symptoms since you dont have a story thread? Are you currently on any specific diet??

Moonman: Sure Ill type up an overview of my crash and symptoms tomorrow when i get a chance.

Just wanted to add that today I noticed for the first time that my testicles seem to have grown about 20% in size, that’s a conservative estimate.

i’m really happy that you have had positive experiences with iodine and i hope for you to continue to have success. thanks for the link, i found it extremely interesting that the powerpoint slide mentioned that iodine makes you sweat. (many people on the forum have reported not sweating as a side effect).

in my own research on iodine, i found that iodine FEEDS the thyroid… it is the raw material needed to adequetly supply the thyroid. i read a theory about how many men in japan don’t have hair loss because they have high amounts of sea weed in their diets. (sea weed= high in iodine). i know a naturepath told me once that the thyroid has a part in hair loss. iodine was something huge i wanted to do, but disappointed from the negative report that i read there, but i guess you proved it wrong. i’m still slightly skeptical because i really don’t want to move backwards and take a risk, however, i know that salt loading DOES help massively.

what type of salt are you taking and you said you are taking a lot… how much is a lot?

can someone explain what salt loading is? Do you just consume lots of salt during the day? What kind of salt?

youbet, are you monitoring your blood pressure?

Also, given iodine’s impact with the thyroid/metabolism and throughout the entire body, why do you feel it necessary to connect it to candida?

basically, yes. good salt is himalayan crystal pink salt. you can buy some at iherb. i said in an earlier post though i read somewhere someone mentioned it wasn’t good though because of possible mercury contamination, i’m not sure on the accuracy of that because i know mercola promotes it like mad and he does his research. check out and find the stuff on himalayan salt. but yeah, its like you just take it throughout the day. it’s ideal to drink 8 cups of water, then take a pinch of salt or two… when you drink a lot of water you need salt to balance it out (think overdose on water). alhtough i’m not sure if it’s the other way aroudn also (the moer salt you take, the more water you need) but i assume it is.

I have not been monitoring , maybe ill go get a reading today and report back. I imagine it will be somewhat elevated considering all the extra sodium Im taking. Remember though, the whole salt loading thing is only temporary while your detoxing at the beginning, we are not talking about long term chronic salt use. at this point im just drinking a few heaping glasses of V8 juice (original) and thats all i need. soon ill cut out the extra salt completely.

as for candida,

At this point people Im convinced that most of this board could see massive benefits with iodine therapy, frankly if what im experiencing continues its the cure to our problems. Thats a BIG if I know.

I mean look at this for god sakes.

“Hormone Receptors. The receptors for almost every major hormone and neurotransmitter need iodine in order to function efficiently – thyroid hormones, testosterone, cortisol, insulin, and more. The single iodide that is removed in transforming T4 to T3 can join receptors and increase their sensitivity.”

what more can be said??!!!

I think people will get scared of the detox symptoms if you ramp up too quickly like I did, take your time and work your way up to large doses. If your adrenals get stressed while your thyroid comes back online, salt up big time, don’t be afraid, its not like we are talking about long term salt use here. Your adreanls basally function on salt. They are going to be working overtime as your body kicks out toxins AND under the extra strain of your new found metabolism. The panicky feelings are just your body saying SALT ME.

something about finasteride did a number to our thyroids, prostate and whole endocrine system. Well guess what iodine regulates and resets the whole dam thing from gland to receptor! I have read account after account of people saying the more intense your reaction to iodine the more your body was STARVING for it. This seems to be the case for PFS people.

STOP whimping out!! I have posted the accounts of doctors treating some 4000 people with mega dose iodine, we are talking about 70, 80 year old breast cancer patients on long term 100-150mg/day dosages. Man up guys, start slow and ramp it up. If you get panicky salt accordingly.

One more thing, I put 50mg of iodine, 1 part iodine 3 parts water on my penis and balls last night. The Burned like hell for 5 minutes! The ensuing rush of libido can only be described as a moose in the mating season, and ill be doing it again tonight.

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What iodine product are you using?

Edit: never mind, just saw the post on the first page that lists the products.

I took iodine before and did ok only to fall on my face after a few days. I’m curious to see if results are long term and if people can duplicate those results

Youbet - please post up links to everything you buy to make the iodine mixture as well a bullet pointed instructions on dosages

Maybe a mod could alter your user settings so that you can edit the first post. That reminds me; it is completely ridiculous that we can’t edit posts.

Antifungals loose their efficacy after about 5 to 6 days due to resistance buildup and mutation of the candida strain. Iodine is more effective against candida because the various mutations are all susceptible to iodine, but iodine (3 mg per meal) will cause hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism in effective anti-candida doses and it should not be used for more than a few days to a week."

What do you think about this statement above??

Sorry again, but I can say even from my job, we are doing a lot of thyroidsurgery.
It can be very risky to take it in such high doses. Sure it helps, cause many here have higer E2 levels and that makes hyothyroidism.
For sure! And it realy has benefits, all the time a eat seefood and a lot of seesalt I feel besser.
But be carefull with that high doses, or for how long do you want to do it??
Some people also have a allergy on it.

Like the old dude Paracelsus said:
“All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous”

ok, not all Fin is the pure poison. :imp:

I placed the order for the Lugol’s solution. Looking forward to updating everyone on my progress when it finally arrives

My Lugols 5% showed up today. I started off with 2-3 drops (10-15mg) and drank it with some water. Then I put about 4 drops (mixed with water) all over my pubic region. Already beginning Magnesium Oil, Vit C, and Salt loading. I have my HC ready cuz I’m expecting my adrenals could crash. Youbet, I have a few questions…

-Do you have to ramp up or can you just start with 50-100mg? Today, my first day, I will prolly do 30mg orally and 50mg topically (I doubt all of it topically gets on me).

-Why arent you taking Selenium? I read a lot that says you need it w Iodine…

-Am I right in reading that just one small drop of this = 5mg ??

-When you mix it on you pubic region…how much water do you use to mix the Iodine with? I think I used too much…

-How long until I can expect ANY noticeable improvements.

Good stuff moonman!

  • Do 15mg for two days then 30 for a few days then 50.

  • I actually am taking selenium 200mcg, should have mentioned it earlier.

  • Yup if its lugols 5% it should be 5mg per drop. (make sure not 2%)

-Honestly at this point im only getting that (So horny my mind is going to break) reaction when i put the iodine strait on my genitals with no water added. The problem is it stings pretty bad for 5 mins. However you are rewarded with this transcendently powerful libido for a few hours. Im only going to do it once every 2 or 3 days now, because the skin on my scrotum started pealing like a sunburn (went overboard).

-Im doing 5 drops rubbed into the shaft, 5 rubbed into balls and 5 in the area between my ass and balls. WARNING you may not be able to handle the sting on your nuts. The guy at curezone says he does 20 drops on his junk and says the sting is no big deal and manageable. not exactly how I would describe it.

  • I noticed results hitting hard and fast by the third day. More energy, swollen lymph nodes, swollen thyroid, less brain fog.


Laughable and sad. The average daily intake of iodine in Japan has historically been in the 13mg/day range. We are talking DAILY FOR LIFE. I guess they are all hypo. O wait a second, there is no such thing as a fat Japanese person, and they have the lowest incidence of thyroid disease. Compare that to the Obese Hypo walmart candida sacks that us north Americans have become, while doctors scream at us for even thinking of supplementing the amount of iodine the Japanese consume daily.

Your basically standing on the deck of an 18th century British navy vessel watching the sailors bleed to death of scurvy, and telling them to lay off the OJ.

I would wager NONE of the thyroid surgery you have seen is a result of too much iodine (If there is such a thing), on the contrary I would bet good money that a lot of these thyroids could have been saved with regular iodine supplementation on the order of what the Japanese consume.

Well, many people are Euthyroid but get a big Thyroid gland, because they dont get iodine. So yes, a supplementation is not bad, for ppl who dont eat much fish or use seesalt.
But, there are ppl who can get problems with the thyroidgland when u take to much.
I honestly feel also better with more iodine, because it raises ur metabolisem. We used the stuff in many ways! Most for muccosa desinfection and on infectetwounds. But in the past, today we use other stuff, because to many ppl get problems of it. Do you know that some hyperthyroid ppl can get iodine for suppresion? To high doses shut the Thyroid down.
I dont say its bad, but in such doses its not so secure. And putting it on your genitals is useless. what do you think the iodine will do there? It will be go from there in the blood and than to the thyroid. 180–200 µg a Day that are 0,2mg a day, you take up to 50mg

Point of fact: the Japanese consume large amounts of soy which negates a % of iodine in the diet.