you have several nerve dysfunctions.
but in a lot of cases a nerve has a bad conduction when the vessels around it are affected which is the case when you have inflammation.
(what my doc explained when i did the exams)
a thorough exam of a nerves has to imply an Ultra Sound with doppler to see the vascularisation of the area surrounding the nerve.
The EMG (electromyogram) of the perineum to explore the pudendal nerve is not a reliable test. you have a good results 20% of the time. (there are publication on this)
a negative results don’t imply one don’t have a nerve defect.
to explore the pudendal nerve (which separate in several branches and on of this branch is responsible for erections)
you have to 2 methods (2 different EMG):
distal latencies
staged sacred reflexes
the last one performed in switzerland and France is just slightly different from the first one but enable to spot the zone
where i had my nerve affected and is more reliable ( a lot of people who had nothing detectd with the distal latencies had
a diagnosis with the staged sacred reflexes)
the somatosensory evoked potentials must show something but can’t locate the exact spot of neuropathy.