Investigating numbness. Right exams?

just want to know a full list of nerve exams

Sensory evoked potentials SEP
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials SSEPs

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials pudendal nerve(SEPPNs)
sensory conduction velocity of the dorsal nerve of the penis (SCVDNP)
pudendal nerve terminal motor latencies (PNTMLs)
bulbocavernosus reflex latencies BCRLs

how many of us performed these exams?

I had the SSEP test performed. I don’t know what the difference is between the others but the doctor put a device on my penis which sent electric shocks through my genitals and measured the speed at which it traveled to my head.

I was diagnosed with nerve dysfunction and I believe a handful of other guys who have had this test performed all returned with abnormal results.

This will be a major step forward in providing evidence to physicians that your symptoms are not psychosomatic but may not necessarily result in any treatments as a consequence.

is nerve dysfunction the same as nerve damage. as my understanding is nerve damage is permenant

not necessary

if we t talking about inflamation this could be healed

i don’t know why the research don’t look also in this direction
(qualify if and what kind of damage occurred to nerves)

you have several nerve dysfunctions.
but in a lot of cases a nerve has a bad conduction when the vessels around it are affected which is the case when you have inflammation.
(what my doc explained when i did the exams)
a thorough exam of a nerves has to imply an Ultra Sound with doppler to see the vascularisation of the area surrounding the nerve.

The EMG (electromyogram) of the perineum to explore the pudendal nerve is not a reliable test. you have a good results 20% of the time. (there are publication on this)
a negative results don’t imply one don’t have a nerve defect.

to explore the pudendal nerve (which separate in several branches and on of this branch is responsible for erections)
you have to 2 methods (2 different EMG):
distal latencies
staged sacred reflexes

the last one performed in switzerland and France is just slightly different from the first one but enable to spot the zone
where i had my nerve affected and is more reliable ( a lot of people who had nothing detectd with the distal latencies had
a diagnosis with the staged sacred reflexes)

the somatosensory evoked potentials must show something but can’t locate the exact spot of neuropathy.

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials pudendal nerve(SEPPNs)
sensory conduction velocity of the dorsal nerve of the penis (SCVDNP)
pudendal nerve terminal motor latencies (PNTMLs)
bulbocavernosus reflex latencies BCRLs

these exams r specific for pudendal, right.
why u think they r not reliable?

an inlfamatory state could be reversible

we report 2 cases of intermittent genital hypesthesia that occurred in cyclists after long-term bicycle riding. Anatomical studies show that this condition was probably caused by an irritation of the pudendal nerve during its course through the Alcock canal as reported in the literature.

of course we have to find out what kind of neurological damage is occurred to us

it is not they are not reliable, it is more that they are not enough to diagnose.
they can spot a neuropathy but if they don’t spot anything it doesn’t mean you have nothing.

there are a lot of publication on these exams which explain that they are just part of the diagnosis but they
are not enough.

i read a course (in french) about perineal exploration, the conclusion of it is : “a negative test is not enough don’t rule out
the pathology”.

but they are really worth to do of course!!

ok but they r all we have to diagnose …

by the way, some has made a list on sensitivity\nerve help drugs?
(bupropion ecc)

What about numbness in the actual penis? is this tissue damage?

I am hoping that if the root cause somehow gets fixed the tissues or whatever has gone very strange in my penis will repair in the years afterwards

no now to diagnose properly this type of pathology you have to do an ultra sound with doppler of the
pudendal artery.
this is on the list of tests you have to do to diagnose the pudendal nerve pathology.
it is now said to be a more reliable test. so both tests are intersting to do.

the scheme i put shows how the pudendal nerve separates in 3 nerves (one for erection, the other for perineum and balls, the last one
for bottom)
(btw it can also explain loose scrotum that i personnaly experienced if the spot of inflammation is above the separation of the 3 nerves
(which is my case also))

blasè can u link us a description of this exam

u did it?

if this is the way we have some hope

Pudendal artery syndrome with erectile dysfunction: treatment by pudendal canal decompression.

Blase, are you getting treatment for this stuff?

this is blasè thread


they gave me prednisolone to lower the inflammation.
but for the moment i believe that i have inflammation for a reason.
when i had a one month antiinflammatory course indeed i felt a lot better but it quickly vanished.
so now i try the diet that helped some recovered/improved sufferers plus some antifungus supplements.

I told my uro about the pain and numbness. He suggested doing a pelvic MRI. If it doesn’t show anything, i’ll ask him for some of the exams above.

i read also about a special neurography on pudendal forums …

here u could find best doctors in pudendal investigation and best techniques

imaging of the Pudendal Nerve by means of 3 Tesla imaging and so on …

one question
is not better a pelvic MRA instead of doppler ultra sound of the
pudendal artery ?