'There are many quacks out there who will charge you exorbitant amounts of money for incompetent and inadequate treatment. I for one am always skeptical of any doctor who is a self proclaimed TRT expert.
I was a part of a research project at Harvard and worked with Dr. William Crowley and Dr. Frances Pettiloude and I feel confident in saying that Crowley has few peers in the world regarding the various forms of hypo and hypergonadism and the other causes of hypogonaism and he is on the cutting edge of treatment.
For the guys who happen to be secondary, the pump program that he is working on is amazing. It can be programmed to closely simulate the body’s natural pituitary rythyms, and that is simply not possible with creams, gels, hcg shots, test shots, or pellets.
Given the fact that diabetic pumps are coming down in price very rapidly and their programming abilty has increased along with the fact that recombinant technology makes producing human hormones easy to do, this kind of TRT should be very affordable. However, there are three big cartels that screw every American-OPEC, The Federal Reserve, and the combination of the FDA and the huge drug companies, and becuase they can not get patents on hormones that are naturally produced by the body, they do not want to spend any significant resources in making r-LH, r-FSH, and r-GNRH, we are left with gels, shots and to some degree pellets.
In the US making test a category III controlled substance was not about preventing steriod use. Most roid users get their stuff from underground labs anyway or from shady doctors in foriegn countries. Big pharma saw that male “adropause” and male TRT was going to be one of the next big cash cows, and they wanted a way to protect their profits and defacto monopoly. The fact that we have to pay as much as we do for any form of test is a shame.’
Wonder if this is on the horizon for us…