International Travel/Time zone change

Recently flew Overseas for about a week. From day two onwards I experienced a 60-70% recovery from sexual symptoms. I’ve seen similar occurrences posted elsewhere.

A few days after flying back to the US I returned to baseline.

What was the time difference? +/-?

What are the symptoms? What does 60-70% mean?

What was the purpose of your trip? Lots of people report vacations being a source of symptom relief.

Were you on vacation or travelling for work? I only ask because I was under the impression that those “vacation recovery” accounts had a lot to do with being under less stress and away from a daily routine that ultimately becomes a constant reminder of this affliction (or maybe that is just me).

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new area… new environment…

it will increase dopamin.

It was a work trip. And a 60-70 percent recovery is referring to my libido increasing from a 0-10 to a 6-7/10. The time difference was +7hrs. Could be completely coincidental however I definitely recall seeing similar posts.

Did you experience any sleep deprivation?

Yes, I did. I was very sleep deprived over the course of the week.

That could explain it. Sleep deprivation has been shown to be an effective treatment for depression. I believe the basis is due to neurosteroid/neurotransmitter alterations.

Lack of sleep improves erections for the same reason you get nocturnal or morning erections and it is related to physiological changes that happen in relation to REM sleep. When you are sleep deprived you kinda get into mini cycles of waking quasi-REM. Nothing to do with depression.

I wonder if you could recreate this just by staying up all night without the travel?

Yes, you can. I have done it many times. But it is not really worth it.

A little bit of reading.

A little bit of reading? Seriously? When I said nothing to do with depression I didn’t say that because I wasn’t aware of this very misguided research.

How exactly is it misguided?

Then you you have to fly back away from US. it sound to me that in your case it is allergy reaction to a US Merk headquarters.

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It is extremely misguided and it indicates a complete lack of understanding of what depression is as well as an absence of any model to explain it. I work in depression research and I don’t want to discuss my ideas in a public forum before they have been published but I will write to you about this in private.