Intermittent erectile dysfunction

Do you have intermittent erectile dysfunction? Are there days with 100% good erections?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

The most evident-based symptoms of “post-finasteride syndrome” you can find are listed here: … .large.jpg
What doesn’t make much sense, is that 40% of the men report complete impotence and 83% intermittent erectile dysfunction. So there were at least 29 trolls taking part of the study.
What to conclude of this intermittency? Is your erectile dysfunction also intermittent or is it always there? Or do you have complete impotency? Are there days when your erections are 100% normal?

Erectile function isn’t a problem for me. Its 0 libido and extremely poor sensation and pain in that area. Also zombie flatness! Its difficult to do anything when noting is exciting.

Yes, it is the missing libido that is the problem. If I physically stimulate myself for 5-10 minutes I can gain an erection. It’s the sex drive that is completely decimated. If I continue and make myself ejaculate, there is no sensation accompanying it at all. There is no sensation or desire for anything, whether it be sex or much else. I really can’t feel anything at all. It is completely fucked. It makes it extremely difficult to become motivated. There is no happiness or sadness in either direction… just complete flatness. It is very difficult to get through day-to-day tasks with this.

Then that’s not erectile dysfunction, but loss of libido. Let’s try and distinguish loss of libido from erectile dysfunction somehow. If you physically stimulate yourself, the erection is as good as it was before taking the drug?

Takes the guy five minutes to get hard? Unless he’s eighty that’s erectile dysfunction and loss of libido.

No libido, erectile dysfunction, genital anesthesia…
Erections are not hard as past. And scrutral changes on penis. penis shrinkage isnt true. I know my old penis. Its not shrinkage, its muscle atrophy on penis.

My total shrinkage is REAL! Its unbelievable. Not even the same. Makes it difficult to walk or sit comfortably. Constant discomfort. The sight of it in the mirror is so disturbing. I wont even get into it because im at work right now and it will ruin my day to think about this for more than a minute.

Looks like Im uncircumcised now. Which I am not. No words can express this decimation and assault on my manhood.

Fanjeera, I notice you tend to post polls that could be interpreted as attempts to discredit PFS, or for possible legal reasons considering various lawsuits in play. Same goes for your posts criticizing the PFS Foundation.

This forum doesn’t need more pseudo-scientific polls, it needs action from the research community, and media and social awareness generation by PFS members. Thankfully this is starting to occur.

These polls serve little purpose, and why you keep posting them is beyond me. Are you actually suffering from persistent Finasteride side effects? What is your reason for posting on this site?

It’s hard to tell, if I am actually suffering like everybody else here, but I have certainly become obsessively interested of the subject, especially because I’m studying medicine. Why not have a free chat and a poll in the forums? If all we do is wait for research now (which I also do), then what’s the purpose of all the different subforums here? They are inviting people to post and I just noticed a definite flaw in the study which needs to be specified. Intermittent sexual dysfunction and complete impotence don’t go together. One excludes the other. And I want to know, if all the studies done today are driven by the foundation or are some doctors independently also taking a look at the issue. I want to see correlations and understand exactly what the term “post-finasteride syndrome” means. Would you agree it’s really all that’s listed in the table I posted? Or can we leave something out?

Fanjeering, I think that the two options are not mutually exclusive. it’s a matter of interpretation.

All of those with impotence have ED, but not everyone with ED has impotence. It is possible to be impotent some of the time (unable to get an erection of any quality). Such individuals would suffer from both impotence and intermittent ED.

At least that’s the way I see it. If I had intermittent impotence, I would check yes to both options.