Interesting Article, need help interpreting

Not to undermine the absolute horrible series of events occurring with the last post on here. We can all hope and pray. However I just found this and think it’s interesting especially the last sentence.

link to full article:

Structural basis of mutation-induced AR promiscuity

DHT-bound AR LBD T877A

The single point mutation T877A has been found in LNCaP cells and prostate cancer patients to confer abnormal binding characteristics to the AR. This mutation has been shown to cause a significant increase in the affinity of the AR for binding to estrogens and progesterone. In addition, this mutation also allows the AR to be activated by antiandrogens such as flutamide145,165. To understand the structural basis of this abnormal binding characteristic, Sack et al solved the crystal structure of the wild-type (WT) (PDB: 1I37) and T877A (PDB: 1I38) AR LBDs complexed with DHT67. A comparison of both structures revealed similar overall conformations. Interactions between DHT and both forms of the AR occur at almost identical points of contact, except at the mutated residue (Figure 7A). Interestingly, the introduction of the T877A mutation created additional space around the D-ring of DHT. This increase in volume allows bulkier ligands to enter the pocket, and this may induce AR promiscuity for other hormones and analogs, such as estrogens and progesterone. Conversely, the presence of T877 limits the pocket size and is thought to be important for ligand specificity. The concept that an increase in the LBP may increase ligand promiscuity was further supported by biochemical studies in which threonine was replaced by the larger amino acid aspartic acid, which prevented androgen binding, presumably by steric hindrance, making the mutant receptor unresponsive to androgen activation166.

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I believe past members have been tested for mutations in the androgen receptors but I believe I read an article where there’s over 1000 known variations. Perhaps this one is of significance?

Time to fill out the survey, @Bigpoppa10040.

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Thanks Greek I will once I graduate PA school in a couple months and don’t feel like I’m dying everyday. I’m trying to figure this out first.

What do you mean?

I’m trying to have an educated discussion on this topic I posted. Dude my life is turned upside down, I’m pouring my efforts into solving this. Yes I know I should fill out the survey and I will but I want to do it properly and with full details, otherwise I’ll just BS it right now. I know the survey is important but until I see some headway with research and solving this actually gain headway, then it’s not my priority. I appreciate everything u mods do. Perhaps this weekend I’ll have time to fill it out

This article is literally talking about a mutation in androgen receptors that make it respond more to estrogen, progesterone, and antiandrogens and completely inhibit androgenic signaling. I believe this fits our bill as we appear to be estrogen dominant and don’t respond to androgens. However I understand we all have to interpret research with a grain of salt and not jump to conclusions at all, which is why I want to discuss this


Makes sense since TRT made me convert to estrogen almost immediately upon injection.

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idk if my statement is accurate but may explain why ppl feel worse on TRT, and proviron (DHT) ppl don’t feel worse on but it just doesn’t work. Thats at least what I’ve gathered from the forum. Also may explain why we re so estrogenic in nature. However there’s many many holes in these statements I made.

It still activates the ANdrogen receptor just with different ligands (estrogen, progesterone, anti androgen drugs) so idk if this means it has anti androgenic effects or just anti androgenics now have androgenic effects

I should note that @awor stated back in ‘09 that actual ligand binding to the AR is not an issue and he had it tested with a scientist so idk if this thread I posted is even relevant

That is hardly a universal trait of PFS sufferers. Many test with normal levels of estrogen.

Yeah, but if your estrogen will bind to androgen receptors along with progesterone, you can have normal levels of estrogen and progesterone, it’s that they will compete for the same site I guess.

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I said estrogenic not high in serum estrogen