Interesting article from #metoopropecia twitter page

Bare with the article. It gets more positive towards the end.


Interesting article that says a lot of truths about PFS and moves the needle in the right direction. It also tries, however, to conceal the utter ignorance, incompetence, overconfidence and arrogance of the “medical community”. Why can’t they for once admit that they don’t have a clue what is going on and how it can be treated? This kind of foolish arrogance is the reason we got into this mess in the first place. But there is another motive here: money. The so called medical community is predominantly made up of charlatans who would sell you false hope (lie) and offer you harmful treatment (kill) for money.

Here is a list of patently false and dangerously misleading platitudes used in the article that are part of the problem, not of the solution:

  • “Pharmacologic treatment options include hormonal regulation, antidepressants, and psychostimulants, all of which should be brought up with your physician.”

  • “…while the medical community is still working on perfecting the most effective plan for treating these issues”

  • “Nonpharmacologic treatment options include psychotherapy, meditation, and pelvic floor physical therapy.”

  • “Each person will have a different combination of symptoms and treatment needs”

  • “An individualized, interdisciplinary approach to treatment will result in the best outcome”

  • “Stay persistent and work closely with your health care providers until you find the therapeutic combination that is right for you”

  • “There are numerous hormonal and nonhormonal treatment options for men with PFS.”

Sigh, yup giving people certain antidepressants to try “treat” PFS will most likely make them worse or have no effect.
What a joke, If the world could openly admit it’s mistakes and say hey, this is an issue that needs addressing rather than sugar coating it we’d be out of this mess already.
The medical community need to stop being a bunch of sheep reading from the same literature and actually use their own initiative to listen to patients and help find solutions. Medical issues aren’t linear, each and every person is different and that’s why each person gets different side effects because we are all so unique, it’ll be a great day when treatment options are tailored to an individual for every issue, may take a few years but it’s the future, what we currently do is extremely outdated in my eyes.


This article is depressing, but it makes me happy the word is getting out there to prevent future cases.


This article shows that the medical community is seeing more and more reports of adverse side effects being reported which is unsurprising to us. It also shows that they are accepting these issues are realty but it also shows they have very little understanding or possibly little interest as to why these side effects happen.
The bigger picture with these drugs is that they do make alot of money and there is no denying that they do help alot of people it all leads me to think that when they release a drug they already know or suspect that there will be a percentage of casualties but it’s acceptable if the benefits outweigh the loses.

For Merck the benefits clearly outweigh the costs, considering they have borne none of the costs, and given that conscience is clearly not an issue.


It’s good that the article points people here but I wonder if anyone has been seen by Dr Joshua Gonzalez? He claims there are treatment options, I wish he’d share them with the other doctors people here are seeing.

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