Inspiration. Female florist fixed herself with microscope

This remind you guys of anything?

For clarity, I am not saying we have a parasite.

I’m talking about her fixing herself after being ignored by doctors. Then she got a fucking microscope and found out the problem herself.


What scares me the most about this kind of stuff is Doctors just giving up or not putting in the research.

I’m not saying all Doctors are bad but there’s many out there who’ll just write you off, if your issue isn’t in their little booklet then it doesn’t exist.
I think a truly decent doctor should take note of what you’re going through and really try to help, if not at least forward your case on to someone else who can but obviously different countries have different healthcare systems.

I don’t want to get political but I think healthcare should be a basic human right, nobody deserves to die or go bankrupt because of ill health, usually people with bad health are the ones who can’t get a well payed job to afford good healthcare, which in turn leads them being worse off health wise.

Apologies for the tangent I get frustrated about healthcare and doctors not taking us seriously.
I’m fortunate enough to live where healthcare is reasonable enough, it’s not great but it’s not awful.

I know of someone who went to many doctors and specialists, time and time again his health declined, they told him it was parkinson’s, alzheimer’s, depression etc. He was diagnosed with all sorts of diseases and conditions but his family kept refusing to take what the doctors were saying as a definitive answer.

Long story short they finally got a doctor to send some samples over to the mayo clinic in the usa as a favor and they diagnosed him with a condition so rare he was like the 3rd person in Europe to have it. If his family didn’t persist to find answers he would of died, it was only the fact they found out what was really going on that they could help him.

I feel like us as a community are that guy, we aren’t believed and are told other things by doctors, but one day someone’s going to crack this.