Insomnia - Do you take a sleep aid and how oftin
- Nightly Sleep Aid:
- Every other Day:
- Occasionally:
- Never, I sleep fine without:
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If you take something please post what you take. I just tried Lunesta last night. It worked but I am not sure I like it. I felt rested this morning but still got the zombie feeling. I am pretty sure it PFS zombie with sleep med hangover. Not much fun. I fell even more slow today mentally even though I got sleep. I can’t seem to sleep more then 2-3 hours without some sleep aid. If I go like this for to many days in a row I start to get lots of aches and pains.
Before my crash I could easily sleep 8-10 hours and feel fantastic. I know pre-fin I was getting a lot of deep sleep because I would rarely remember dreams. Post-fin I get very tired but I have 0 sleep trigger. Or I dose off for a few moments just to jerk back awake. Post-fin I dream and remember more often then not. In fact I start dreaming almost right away.
Shit I have tried so far.
Keva tea
Camomile tea