Insomnia - Do you take a sleep aid and how oftin

Insomnia - Do you take a sleep aid and how oftin

  • Nightly Sleep Aid:
  • Every other Day:
  • Occasionally:
  • Never, I sleep fine without:

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If you take something please post what you take. I just tried Lunesta last night. It worked but I am not sure I like it. I felt rested this morning but still got the zombie feeling. I am pretty sure it PFS zombie with sleep med hangover. Not much fun. I fell even more slow today mentally even though I got sleep. I can’t seem to sleep more then 2-3 hours without some sleep aid. If I go like this for to many days in a row I start to get lots of aches and pains.

Before my crash I could easily sleep 8-10 hours and feel fantastic. I know pre-fin I was getting a lot of deep sleep because I would rarely remember dreams. Post-fin I get very tired but I have 0 sleep trigger. Or I dose off for a few moments just to jerk back awake. Post-fin I dream and remember more often then not. In fact I start dreaming almost right away.

Shit I have tried so far.
Keva tea
Camomile tea

the only thing that gives me more than 6.30 hours of sleep are:

  • anti-histamines (dyphenhidramine, low dose mianserine ~3mg)
  • benzos

anti-histamines work pretty consistently at giving me around 9 hours of sleep.
benzos quickly develop tolerance and start waking up after 6.30 hours again…

5-HT2A antagonists seem to enhance my deep sleep. though i can’t be sure if it’s that or if the antidepressant makes me feel more alive in the morning for other reasons… whats has worked in this respect:

  • trazodone low dosage (12.5-25mg)
  • mirtazapine (but this gave me PLMD)
  • mianserine ~7,5 mg…

5-ht2a antagonists are a double edged sword for me in that they seem to make me more awake the next day as if i had slept better but they dont necessarily give me more than 6.30 hours of sleep…

All in all, i cant seem to find anything that sends me back to my old sleep.

That makes little sense. Most PFS patients say they rarely dream after PFS, dreams are not lucid. Whereas pre fin more vivid dreams. I have read where deep rem sleep actually means more dreams

i sleep very good! dont need nothing to sleep. Complete recovery. still low libido.

Dreams are made in REM.
Increased REM and decreased stage 3/4 is linked to depressive states and they also mean less deep sleep.
Deep sleep, the restorative sleep, is characteristic o stage 3 and 4, where you dont dream

How about a warm glass of milk with some asparagus?

:laughing: Tried that also. Didn’t work. I bet I would get more responses if I titled it, cure or some bullshit.

Yes I have the same problem as the OP. Used to sleep very well pre-fin, 8-10 hours no problem, couldn’t remember many dreams at all. Now I sleep much lighter and wake very easily, in fact I haven’t had one full night’s sleep since PFS hit me 2 years ago. And I dream a lot more and remember more of my dreams too.

I have tried melatonin, tryptophan, 5HTP, none have made any appreciable difference to my sleep. Odd thing is that my energy during the day isn’t too bad, although my concentration, memory and focus is definitely not as good anymore.

It’s so strange how this can affect us all so differently.

My sleep is very light too, every noise wakes me up. Before i used to sleep through the alarm.

Your energy isn’t too bad because ur body is making up to the loss of sleep but it doesnt hold on forever