Insomnia and frequent urination

How many other Fin users have experienced some form of insomnia, and what was your experience like?

I took the drug for two weeks, started feeling sides and quit. But the sides I had have only gotten worse, and it’s been 6 weeks since I quit. I am experiencing only minor sexual malfunction thankfully, but my sleep pattern has gotten very strange and frustrating.

Before I took this drug, I would urinate before bed, then immediately go to sleep, wake up 4 hours later, urinate, then go back to sleep for 4 hours, and I’d be refreshed. That was my pattern. The pattern started to change about a week into taking fin.

Here is how it goes every night for me now. Keep in mind I do NOT drink a ton of water before bed, and I usually do not drink water within 4-5 hours of bedtime since this started(though it hasn’t helped at all).

Before I go to bed, I urinate. Then usually I have to urinate a couple of more times before I can get to sleep… this process takes about 30-45 minutes. I wake up about 3-4 hours later, and have to urinate again. After this, I go back to sleep, but wake up repeatedly(about an hour apart) and have to urinate again. This last part repeats two to four times, and hopefully I can get a refreshing sleep, but it’s gotten to the point where I feel tired and listless every day now.

Has something similar to this happened to any of you?

exactly the same

I had two weeks where i did not sleep at all…at all! I think this has impaired my recovery to this point but nothing at all was going to get me to sleep. I started not eating after 2pm which helped, sometimes a bath before bed works and sometimes i just take the sleeping pill which knocks me the hell out. It is a really shitty situation to be in…

spstriken, have you seen any resolution of the problem at all? How long have you been off fin?

I should add that the sleep I do get is extremely light. Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like I am sleeping… I just go into that twilight “daydreaming” type state between consciousness and actual sleep. I wasn’t sure if this was the fin or not, because I workout a lot and I thought maybe I had been overtraining, but the lack of sleep has prevented me from doing much exercise at all the last three or four weeks, and the situation hasn’t improved one bit.

I have been taking Propecia for about 7 years now (I’m 34) and have been experiencing the frequent urination during the night, sometimes every 2 hours. I’ve had my prostate checked and it is healthy.

I will get light sleep and wake up, and I will feel a pressure on my bladder that will not let me go back to sleep. It’s aggrivating and annoying.

The only thing I can think of is Propecia. Now, coupled with severe decrease in libido… I think it’s time to stop this drug. A bald head is the less of two evils here. :stuck_out_tongue: