Initial Steps? Where do I start?

Looking to begin exploring options given that I quit finasteride two months ago but symptoms persist. Where do I start? It seems like the logical answer is to get some blood work done to get a base point. I’m thinking about scheduling an appointment with a Endocrinologist, however all of the ones in my area seem to specialize in diabetes. Should I go to a urologist? What should I do?! Do I start by going to a regular family doctor? Help!

I’ve never had any issues before and I’ve never had to go to the doctor other than for regular check-ups. Appreciate all the advice in advance. Many thanks everyone.

I started taking Finasteride in the spring of 2016 (18/19yrs old). However I was never consistent taking it and sometimes went weeks or over a month without taking it. Then as I realized my hairline getting worse. I signed up for a subscription online and started taking the drug religiously from spring 2018- November 2019

What are your current symptoms?

Similar to what many other people are saying:

Two months or so ago I realized I wasn’t getting erections regularly throughout the course of the day. I wasn’t getting stimulated naturally. Tried to stop masterbating with no help. When I watch porn, it takes significantly to get an erection, and whether I keep it is also questionable. About two-three months ago I was hooking up with a girl and felt absolutely nothing under the belt. Figured it might be time to look into it. I have the general feeling of numbness down there most times.

In addition to that out of nowhere a 3-4 months ago I started having suicidal thoughts without anything else going on in my life to initiate these. They increased to the point that I’d have them everyday of the week. I started looking into forums like this and attributed both of these to PFS.

Since quitting two months ago, I started working out rigorously and eating clean. Haven’t seen any noticeable improvement regarding the penis. At this point idk if the depression-like symptoms are just a result of me fearing that I’ll never use my penis again. Regardless, that’s a lot easier to control than the “ED”.

Kind of lost as to whether I should even go to a doctor and drop a ton of money only to have them know less about PFS than I do. Don’t know what to do.

There’s not really any tests they will do that can show anything significant, and they most likely won’t believe your situation as most doctors don’t anyways. If your just having sexual sides without shrinkage you may heal with time, give it a few more months and see how you feel.

Testing is a catch-22. You may get hormonal test results with numbers that are high or low in terms of the reference range, but it comes down to how you feel.
I think penile atrophy and insensitivity is a good reason to try supplemental testosterone, but you have to have the baseline test results of all the hormones first.
Some guys’ results are within range but they still are experiencing low libido or lack of erectile function, or changes in size or sensitivity of the penis, and some doctors are lazy and look at the reference ranges but not the human man in front of him. Keeping a log or record of what is happening or not with your body each day for several weeks is a good idea. Doctors like data, so give them data to build your case, so they will take you seriously. Even better if there is someone else in your life who knows about what you are going through and can attest to what you are recording.