Information on the action of Dutasteride

This Spanish doctor knows well the process of dutasteride and finasteride, please see and read the article, it explains how the inhibitor element takes a lot of time for dissociate from the enzyme.

Besides, dutasteride and finasteride are cataloged as analogous of LHRH (Luteinizing Hormone Release Hormone) which somehow inhibit the physiological secretion of gonadotropins, including testosterone. And it is used only for the first etapes of prostate cancer.

So, finasteride not only inhibits 5 alfa reductase, as well inhibits gonadotropins secretion.

Guys, we have the hormonal axis destroyed, in bodybuilding forums there are people who are experts in reversing this, but most doctors do not know anything about this.

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So why haven’t you posted how to do it?

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Because I do not know it, but i´m sure that exists, it’s just a puzzle.

Besides, dutasteride and finasteride are cataloged as analogous of LHRH (Luteinizing Hormone Release Hormone) which somehow inhibit the physiological secretion of gonadotropins, including testosterone. And it is used only for the first etapes of prostate cancer.

No, they aren’t. The webpage you linked describes GnRH agonists as analogous to LHRH.

There’s nothing in this topic that adds to what is already known about irreversible inhibition of 5-ar by dut or fin and there are no experts in reversing this.

Hi Finashit, claims regarding the etiology of PFS shouldn’t be made without specific supporting evidence as per the community guidelines of the site. This is not new info nor is it anything to do with the reversibility of PFS - this is a write up on the author’s understanding circa 2013 of the pharmacological action of Dutasteride. As such I have edited the title to reflect that. PFS occurs in may cases after withdrawal of the drug and is not the same as ongoing inhibition of the 5alpha reductase enzyme.

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It must be an error of concept or interpretation, because what it means is that it inhibits the secretion of GnRH.

Believe me, I am Spanish and I understand it.

The article talks about 5AR inhibitors, with a greater emphasis on dutasteride, but talks about the dutas and finasteride. This article is created by a DOCTOR, therefore it has scientific validity. The article explains that finasteride and dutasteride inhibit the secretion of gonadotropins, you knew this?


The drugs for prostatic hypertrophy approach the problem from a triple approach:

  • ↓ the tone of the smooth muscle of the prostate: blocking drugs of the adrenergic receptor α1A (Alfuzosin, Tamsulosin, Silodosin and Terazosin). The α1A receptors are located in the prostate, neck of the urinary bladder and the part of the urethra attached to the prostate. [Α1B receptors are located in the cardiovascular system].

  • Decreased synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (by adding two equivalents of reduction to exogenous testosterone to the gland). This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme 5α-reductase. The drugs included in this group are inhibitors of the enzyme 5α-reductase. Currently there are two drugs marketed: Finasteride and Dutasteride (reason for this technical report). The decrease in the prostatic concentration of dihydrotestosterone (the main prostate androgen) inhibits the proliferation of prostate tissue, decreasing the size of the gland (↓ of ~ 25%).

  • Analogies of the LHRH (acronym of Luteinizing Hormone Release Hormone). The drugs in this group inhibit the physiological secretion of gonadotropins, including testosterone. Your prescription is restricted to adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Analogous drugs of LHRH include: Buserelin (as an acetic acid ester), Goserelin, Leuprorelin (as an acetic acid ester), and Triptorelin.

This is a very clear translation IMO, and mentions nothing of fin or dut being an LHRH analogue.

No doctor on earth currently knows the etiology of PFS. Scientific validity comes from valid science, not from someone’s qualification as a doctor. However, this article is not about PFS and makes no claims regarding it. There’s nothing new or applicable here. This is also not a study, and though it’s discussing basic pharmacology, it doesn’t seem to provide citations; it’s just an article. Research has found there is no effect on serum gonadotropin levels from finasteride. There is no claim it does this in the translation of the page nor any evidence that would support such a claim if there was one - as @Dubya_B says this is a misunderstanding.

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Ok sorry, I read incorrectly, must be PFS.

Sorry, I read incorrectly.

However, finasteride indirectly inhibits gonadotropine, my testicles shrunk to 3 cm, now measures 5cm but prefinasteride were 6 cm.