So i have a hard time with this, i bet everybody else does. Anything that gets inflammed takes too long to heal, and i feel completely awful while the inflammation is going on. Does anybody has a clue why we have such a hard time with inflammation? Is it again cortisol related?
I have no answers for you, other than fish oil helps, but… When I first quit propecia, I had pain at work in my shoulders and feet pretty bad. It lasted about 2 years. I actually had to go down a shoe size there was so much inflammation in my feet.
I feel a lot better now. I know there is still inflammation issues, but, between time and fish oil, much of the soreness is gone.
Controlling our inflammation safely is important. With our livers, ibuprofen/Tylenol etc is probably not a good idea. At least in my case anyways, I was on propecia for a long time.