Infection Antibody (IgG) Results


you feel full of energy? seriously? this entire syndrome can be described as my soul and my strength being sucked completely from my body … you are very, very lucky

I wonder what your main is? if you have energy and can hold a job then what is your issue?

I wouldn’t say I have massive fatigue. I have way less energy than before. If I exercise then there is a good chance that I am way drained the next day. I’m way weaker than before.

I guess saying “I am always drained” is a lot more accurate for me than saying “I have chronic fatigue”.

At the same time though, neurological issues is an issue; brain fog, memory, etc.

If you look at the guidelines for what is CFS or ME, Fatigue is the highest indicator at 95%, but nuerological issues is also up there.


Not sure. Get a few more pathogen tests done and then start a treatment plan. Most likely anti-virals.

AIDS patients actually respond to Androgens. That’s the big issue here. I do believe that activation of the androgen receptor is a competent of the innate immune response. So who knows.

At the same time though, pathogens (especially EBV and CMV) can cause androgen resistance through the following mechanism…

[i]The molecular mechanisms by which the Th1 pathogens are able to disable the body’s hormonal pathways are very clear. As patients accumulate a Th1 bacterial load, substances created by the pathogens begin to block the Vitamin D Receptor, slowing the innate immune response.

When the VDR is block by pathogens substances or 25-D it can no longer transcribe an enzyme (CYP24A1) that is supposed to keep the body’s level of 1,25-D in the correct range. At the same time, the cytokines released by the Th1 pathogens over-activate an enzyme called CYP27B1. CYP27B1 controls the amount of 25-D converted into 1,25-D. When the enzyme is produced in greater quantities, more 25-D is converted to 1,25-D. Both processes described above cause 1,25-D to become elevated in patients with chronic disease.

Unfortunately, when 1,25-D reaches a high enough level it is able to bind the body’s other nuclear receptors. The nuclear receptors are essentially the receptors that control the body’s hormonal pathways – the alpha/beta thyroid receptors, the androgen receptor, the progesterone receptor, the estrogen receptor etc. In his latest BioEassy paper, Dr. Marshall gives the exact affinities of 1,25-D for many of the nuclear receptors and shows that at high levels it is able to bind them quite easily.

When 1,25-D binds these receptors, it displaces the metabolites that are meant to be in the receptors under normal conditions, metabolites that allow the hormonal pathways to run correctly. So when 1,25-D displaces these metabolites the patient experiences hormonal havoc. Essentially every hormonal pathways is affected, especially in people who are very sick.[/i]

please report this to This might be of interest for them. Who knows this might be turning point for us.

Guys please go for these antibodies tests.

I have a laundry list from cycling depression, low back pain, red dry skin, sexual dysfunction, penile be bending, shrinking legs and writs etc. I just don’t get that tired often. My brainfog/depression is correlated to worsening and bettering sexual function. That’s why I am 100% certain this involves neurosteroids

Am I the only guy that has symptoms that cycle, even in severity. Like last week depressed couldn’t feel an orgasm, this week it’s better. Last week no nocturnals, this week I do. Last week more depression and skin more dry, this week better. Do your symptoms really never, even remotely, fluctuate at all?

it seems to depend on who you ask around here. my symptoms don’t really fluctuate and haven’t at all over the last thirteen months. the only difference between now and 13 months ago is that the panic attacks went away and the brain fog got worse.
some say they fluctuate… others don’t.

what do you mean don’t really? So they do the slightest or they don’t at all? Don’t at all would obvioulsy be the same sexual, physical, mental status each day. Zero change etc.

Many feel better and then worse. this might be due to many reasons.

please talk about anti bodies.

So if I am going to order these tests through labcorp, Is there a specific test grouping that I can order…like all the tests in one group, or do I have to add each individual test to the cart? thanks

I tested positive to EBV, i am slight above the range. Doctors didn’t say anything about it

if i am feeling good the sides get better,if i am feeling in the shitter then the sides get far worse,at the minute im right in the shitter,chronic fatigue has returned,depression,anxiety,sexual problems worse etc etc,all because i havent been exercising for a few month,for me exercise makes all the difference,soon be back on it with a vengance at the start of february,2014 is my recovery year i can just know it… :laughing:

Anyone else had these tested yet just for comparison?

I got these results in my latest round of blood tests:

Borrelia IgG 6.8 (N) UA/mL ( < 10)
Borrelia IgM 0.55 (N) indice ( < 0.9)

Borrelia is a bacteria associated with Lyme disease. My doctor’s comment about the results was “not totally reassuring” - although the results were within the normal range, he felt they still indicated some exposure to the bacteria, which could have had some long term effect.

I really wish more people would get these labs done. So far every person that has, has had high levels. At this point in my PFS-life, this is the only labs that is consistently coming back high…and I’ve probably had over 300 different individual labs done.

Check out the screen shot.

Get cured mycoplasma and lyme - check for coexisting Lyme diseases. Best

This is very interesting. HSV1 may be the problem
I got my hands on some valtrex and it absolutely slayed my brain fog and emotional blunting. I got so emotionally attached to actors in tv shows I was literally yelling at the TV set

Unfortunately I had to quit because my colitis went bonkers

So what causes PFS? Does it weaken the immunity system and allow HSV1 to take over?

Scientists are saying now that altzheimers may be caused by HSV1 and maybe chronic fatigue syndrome as well

How do you go about testing for these viruses
I would like to test for them

Look what I found

Some doctors have successfully treated chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia with a cocktail of antivirals and anti-inflammatory drugs

Since pfs and chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia have some things in common maybe this “cocktail” of drugs could work for us?

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I initially went to my Dr for the following.
• Valtrex 1g 4x a day, for 12 months = EBV, HHS-1, VZV

• Valcyte 450mg 3x a day for 12 month (1 daily for 3 days, then 2 in AM, 1 in PM) = CMV & EBV

• Azithromycin 250mg daily for 2 months = Chlamydia pneumonia, Mycoplasma

However she was being difficult, so I ended up just doing the following…
Colloidal Silver
Coffee Enemas
Diatamaceous Earth
Tree of Life Purify (This purged parasites, but has 5ar inhibitors in it, so towards the end I was feeling bad and happy to go off)
Mimosa Piduca
Binders (Psyllium, Activated Charcoal, Benonite)
Lemon Water
Epson Salt Baths

I added these in slowly and ramped up each slowly due to major Herx reactions.

I have purged out crazy amounts of parasites I never thought I had. Candida, Ascaris, Flukes, Tapeworm segments, biofilms, and who knows what else. Its slowed down a bit lately after a few months but I am still getting things out. Mimosa Piduca right now is getting a lot of biofilm out.

I have not retested my antibodies, but I know for a fact they are decreasing because my symptoms are improving and I have not had a cold sore tingle since I started this protocol. Prior I was getting the feeling of one every other week.

Resources you will want to read:

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