Increasing oxygen flow to the brain

I believe that my most major problem with brain fog is a lack of oxygen getting to the brain. Are there any supplements that can increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and increase oxygen levels in the brain?

I read about Vinpocetine. I will try this. Has anyone else tried this?

Are there any other supplements/drugs that I could try to help increase oxygen flow to the brain?


Also, has anyone had a functional brainscan like an f-mri or PET scan? What were your results?

This has already been done with no results.

It sounds like it would address a lot of our symptoms. Need to take 30mgs a day. Three times daily: … inpocetine

I will try to keep a strict regiment and report back. Sometimes I have a tendency to slack off on regiments, but I’ll try to be strict with this one and keep track of my experience.

I read over all old posts related to Vinpocetine, and it does not sound as though anyone has performed a thorough test. I will try for 4 months, and post back my experience.

I’ve been taking Vinpocetine for awhile. I stopped for a little while. Then I started feeling like my brain was lacking oxygen again. Kind of like if you stand up too fast, except it goes on all day.

Taking Vinpocetine relieved this feeling for me. It also probably prevented further brain damage from starving brain cells of oxygen. I’m not a doctor. I have no scientific evidence. All I know is that my brain doesn’t feel like it’s deprived of oxygen when I take it.

Which brand? … B001G7R7PM

I’d go easy on it at first. It has given me a stomach ache.

If you get a stomach ache, but you still want to take it, you can take a little piece off, just leave it in your mouth for a 5 minutes, and then spit it out. This avoids the stomach ache, but still seems to get into your blood stream and I feel the effects.

Cocoa increases blood flow to the brain.

ya, and it’s also one of the most powerful antioxidants. I bought some cocoa powder from I have a cup every morning. Seems to help.

I’m starting to wonder if decreased oxygen flow to the brain may be my major problem. When I exercise, I usually get this feeling more. I think this might be because the body needs to redirect oxygen to the muscles to repair them, and therefore it doesn’t have enough for the brain, making the feeling more evident.

Also, one of the first signs of brain damage is eye problems, which I’ve definitely been experiencing. I had my eyes checked out and the doctor said my optic nerve and retina looks fine. This makes me wonder if maybe I have corticol issues:

I was reading up on the brain/blood barrier. I guess what’s happening there is that there are capillaries that are regulating what is allowed into the brain from the blood. The brain/blood barrier denies a lot of things entry to protect the brain from virus and disease. Not sure if maybe something is happening there, where the capillaries are mistaking oxygen for something else and not letting a lot in? … in_barrier

bumping this thread.

there is some value to this.

who has tried vinpocentine? i havent seen any bad reports, and i have seen only a few people tried it…not even a handful

I’ve read about Vinpocentine but I’m not sufficiently informed enough to decide on taking it.

I have been doing cocoa daily for the myriad benefits but one of which is cognitive health- it boost blood flow to the brain: … -the-brain

Lately I have been concerned with preserving and repairing my cognitive function. Lavado extract of cocoa was shown to be the most effective cocoa supplement for brain health (backed by study) and can be found in CocoaVia supplements. You can find it for discounted price on luckyvitamin site (better than amazon): … redirect=1

I’ve been taking Longvida Cucurmin (backed by UCLA study for brain health/Alzheimer help); Matcha Green tea; Krill oil; coffee with no dairy which inhibits the benefits.

I recommend checking out Max Lugavere - he is a crusader for optimizing brain health (his mom sadly has Alzheimers) and he works with doctors like Mercola and Oz and Perlmutter (he’s a great neurologist). Another guy to check out is Dave Asprey from Bulletproof which is all about achieving the best you as possible- he focuses heavily on the brain. … -the-brain

Worth pointing out that the study was paid for by Mars one of the worlds leading chocolate manufacturers.