Increased T4 intake, and miracle on sexual health

As a note.

i have experimentally increased my t4 dosage from 25 to 25+25/2 and everything has changed on my libido sweating etc etc. and all are stable for last 15 days. I am perfectly active, alpha then before.

Even if your tsh levels are good consider checking thyroid labs, try to be hyper.

In plain English are you saying your libido has increased?

What he’s saying is that he has been using 25 mcg T4 a day, and recently doubled his dose (?). It made him recover, and the condition has been stable for 15 days so far.

Several recovery stories includes the use of thyroid hormones (T4 and/or T3). My TSH level has been elevated (high and even above the normal range) on several occasions, despite of T4 and T3 being in high normal range. Thyroid hormones are worth experimenting with if your TSH level is above 2.

My TSH levels are 2.17, so seemingly very normal. There are thyroid issues ALL OVER my family, however. And I feel like SO many people talk about improvements from taking T4. It’s very interesting.

We know we exhibit signs of estrogen dominance and dysfunctional thyroid…high levels of estrogen or estrogen dominance can affect your thyroid BUT not your thyroid numbers…Intersting indeed

interesting, another sign that the thyroid have very big role in our condition.

what are you values?

Johnson- did you see what I wrote? I’m saying ED can affect your thyroid functioning but NOT affect your thyroid numbers or values, meaning you won’t see that thyroid is not functioning properly based on values

I saw it man, and actually i think this is the case with me.
But still wanted to know the values

Ok but values are irrelevant, my thyroid values were perfect but I had freezing cold hands, loss of body hair on legs as arms, loss of eyebrow hair, etc all signs of thyroid dysfunction

I wish a search could be done for t4. It’s not long enough of a term, but I think it would be very telling to compile a list of the number of people who had improvements on t4. It almost makes me want to order some and try it.

Easy now. Speaking of thyroid function, have you guys checked your (F)T3/rT3 ratio? It’s too low in my case, which indicates hypothyroidism.


May I suggest T3 instead. Many people are having high rT3, and introducing more T4 is likely to make the problem worse. High rT3 may be treated with T3. Of course, you should check to see if you have high rT3 first… I’m currently experimenting with thyroid hormones, but the weird thing is that large doses of both T4 and T3 don’t induce symptoms of hyperthyroidism…

I’ve found the same. I can go above 100mcg of t3 and still struggle to induce a higher body temp and appetite

t4 was effective on my recovery

Eden a member here is claiming T4 has helped him, yet you are ignoring this and suggesting T3.

are you recovered you’d say? i’m worried based on you saying you are more alpha than before… let us hope you continue feeling well. i have read others who have had recovered with using t4 supps.

what did your thyroid panel say to make you want to try it?

t4 is really upregulated my mood ,semen quality, ejaculation volume and quality , frequency of sexual dreams (like everynight i see dreams, everyday wake up with morning wood, if there is no problems with job issues/extra stress) .
a huge libido boost also an experience for me, interestingly it is stable if i continue taking constant dose.
so it upregulated me to a stable health level.
if i give up t4, also i tried to decrease dosage a little bit and i was experienced started crying and depressive, as hell in two weeks after cessesion.

incredibly interesting… thanks for your post. so it is really making a big difference between being a full on man, how we should be, versus being back into the emotional PFS state. has to be messing with T and estrogen. this shows just how important thyroid is for us. let us know how you continue to do sanane, i feel it will work out well for you since you have been such a positive responder. there are few… recoveries, so others included T4 as well.

i would be careful though to not keep increasing the dose.

another question, do you notice an increase in scalp inflammation at all or any change in hair loss? i know some recoveries correlated with an increase in shedding.

Estrogen dominance causes
the liver to produce high
levels of a protein called
“thyroid binding globulin”,
which, as its name suggests,
binds the thyroid hormone
and decreases the amount of
thyroid hormone that can be
assimilated into and utilized
by the cells… … ns-health/ … s.html?m=1

4th year of adrenal gland pain. it looks like estrogen dominance is the problem