Increased androstendione convertion to Test after antiandrogen therapy.

importantly, the increased expression of these genes that mediate androgen metabolism implicates enhanced intracellular conversion of adrenal androgens (DHEA and androstenedione) to testosterone and dihydrotestosterone as a mechanism by which prostate cancer adapts to androgen deprivation therapy.

It should be noted that the extent to which this increase in testosterone synthesis is an early adaptation to androgen withdrawal therapy versus a late event occurring in a subset of tumor cells that triggers androgen-independent growth is not yet clear

Interesting read. I wonder if this is the respone our body had when fighting finasteride.

I noticed a huge uptick in muscle mass, orgasm power, androgneicity, body oils, body hair etc. for the first few months before the decline started. So yes, I do believe my body was adapting to this amazing drug which I took that can reduce hair loss in males and has minimal side effects…or behind the beautiful marketing facade…androgen deprivation therapy.