in 5 years, treatment protocol

In 5 years, I will say it again… Once per day Cialis for daily-use will be prescribed for most newly affected PFS patients as a standard treatment protocol.

Does Cialis only help with ED or does it have other benefits ?

Yes it has other benefits. Read up on post-prostatectomy treatment. It is an absolute must according to the latest standards. It keeps the blood flowing around ‘down there’ after the prostate and nerves have been damaged from prostate surgery, or in our case finasteride withdrawal aptosis of prostate glandular tissue, and can keep the tissues functioning once the healing begins!

This should be at the top of this fucking forum!! I have been a member here since the beginning, and this should be a must! Fucking people…

If that’s the extent of our progress 5 years from now. Then we might as well give up hope on being cured.

Is it safe to take Cialis daily? Does that also allow you to take a smaller dose? Has anyone here been doing this?

my main problems are e.d. and premature ejaculation and cialis doesn’t seem to help them, maybe just a little little bit at the highest dosage. What dosage do you advice to take and for how long?

A few weeks ago dr crisler stated that he is reviewing a study that says everyday cialis is an essential protocol for pfs…

Seems like your chances of vision problems/potential blindness later in life would increase from regular Cialis use, if that’s a potential side effect. I almost want to say that my issues with occasional blurry vision came after trying Cialis. I could be wrong, but who knows anyways? I guess I’m just scared shitless of most drugs now…

The last time I took cialis I ended up with horrible leg cramps. I have also had lower back pain, congestion, facial flushing and the odd headache. Not worth putting up with all that for me in return for somewhat stronger erections (still requiring stim) and morning wood.

Advocating every day use also is ignorant of the PFS conundrum that we quickly gain a tolerance in many instances, mine included.

A penile rehab specialist from Sloan Kettering claims cialis has protective qualities for not only penile tissue but heart tissue as well and many people will be percribed low daily doses as they are asprin now.

5mg every 4 days is the working protocol for me, if i used every day i would gain a tolerance quick smart.
Same thing happened to me Luckfax. Now 2 years on cialis the side effects are minimal.

If our issue is of neurological origin even on sexual sides (and there are good elements to think so), there is some chance cialis might worsen the problem. At least from this study: … ated=false

I’m not taking the risk since I’m quite convinced that the main originating problem is neurological.

COUPLE QUICK QUESTIONS FIRST: (and be honest please)

-Are any of you having regular sex with a girlfriend or wife…e.g. at least 4-5nights per week?

-Any of you experience fully healthier looking penis the more and more sex you have?

…well for me guys, I have had bad PFS ever since this fucking shit started. Sometimes I feel like my hog is just completely dead, flacid, and lifeless. I know your anguish (if thats the right word?)
I have however, also had many glimpses of hope, and brief brief stints of great progress towards recovery! For example when I went to jamaica about 14 months ago with a buddy, my girlfriend there met me in negril my third day there. I hadn’t seen her in about 6 months but talk to her on the phone a lot and couldnt wait to see her. I had been taking some chinese medicine which is some herbal thing for about a month and a half bcos my friend who is a chinese medicine practitioner told me I had “dampness” inside and i was acidic. Anyhow… long story short, I was rested, relaxed, hadn’t been drinking tons of coffee all stressed out about life like it is often here in Boston, I was feeling good, and elated to see her and took her back to my nice hotel room, and what do you know! The anticipation had been all built up, and I was confident with her as I had banged her many times before in the past. I WAS HARD AS A ROCK AND BANGED HER FOR ABOUT 45 MINUTES WITH A ROCK HARD ERECTION AND DOGGY-STYLE AND ALL. Which is normally a distant memory for me since the PFS shit happened. But it actually happened.
Also, since I have had my current gf, she is very petite, and very very sweet, always tells me I am “just fine the way i am” and the sex “is fine”. I have noticed that the more regular sex I have with her, as I am very relaxed about it and don’t put the pressure on myself, and don’t try to force the issue (bcos sometimes I do think the mind can def contribute to our problems now that we have these problems) I just try to sex if I can, and don’t if I’m just not feeling it, and I have started to sleep naked beside her and all (which I had largely stopped doing bcos I was embarrassed about a girl seeing me in my flacid state since PFS). But I also do take cialis or viags, or whatever I can get my hands on or have on hand once in a while if I can think of it (Just to give her the extra hard occasional treat! :smiley:!! ya know :wink: ) I HAVE NOTICED PENIS STAYS FULLER AND ACTS LIKE ITS OLD SELF WHEN I AM WITH HER MORE. I CAN FEEL IT IN THE PROSTATE TOO. URINATION IS LESS RESTRICTED AND PROSTATE FEELS MORE…OPEN??/RELAXED I GUESS IS A GOOD DESCRIPTION. Basically I try to keep the dick in shape! Exercise it, take some cialis once in a while, etc.

**I feel a lot of this is prostate based! (I feel like through the prostate circulates hormones as well, so when its working right, the hormone HPTA starts to respond and the feedback loop starts to function properly.)

What facts we definitely know that stare us right in the face guys are…what people still take finasteride for regularly right in front of us for now on a daily basis!! What is it guys??? Tell me! What do people still take finasteride for every day?

Shrinking the prostate!!

Finasteride kills the prostate. It turns it into a prune.
It is already a problematic and faulty gland with very little blood flow, and then we start throwing bad chemicals at it like finasteride, which injures it, kills its cells, and turns it into a prune!

INCREASING PROSTATE BLOOD FLOW VIA REGULAR SEX AND CIALIS USE (now I agree with Luckfax in that I do not like the back pain, headaches, flushing, or congestion either, bcos I get it as well if I take it wrong or take too much.) But I think if used in moderation it CAN HELP REPAIR OUR SEXUAL FUNCTION, SEX LIVES, AND KEEP OUR PENISES HEALTHY (or is it penii !? :wink: Lol…

Thats all I can hope for, and what I know that definitely helps in my recovery, (until of course I hope for any other miraculous medical help that may or may not come some day) so i thought I should share my story with you guys! It does help and keeps the dick working, and working better and better the more I use it.

The dick and prostate are also a muscle, remember that !!

Keep it healthy. Use it or lose it.

Peace, and good luck!

I want to address a few points you’ve made because they are interesting. First with regards to shrinking the prostate a) scientifically that shouldn’t affect us to the degree and range of symptoms we experience and b) some people take the pill once and some people take the pill for years and are fine until the moment they stop and both have identical symptoms, so IMO it is not related

With regards to regular sex guys v. Masturbation guys. I am wondering wether the guys who have a steady GF and have regular sex advanced better in recovery. There is definitely different signaling in the brain between having sex and masturbating. Even before pfs I would be hard when masturbating but super rock hard when with a girl.