Improvments from TRT (and possibly other supps)

I had low hormones on blood work 30 days after my crash. I had all the similar issues with GP’s and Endo’s not helping. This inability to get any help was depressing and I declined further as the months progressed. After reading so many stories on TRT/HRT not helping, I gave up on pursuing this potential treatment angle. However things were getting so horrible I could barely get out of a seated position and walk around along with all the other typical PFS issues. At the prodding of JQD I reluctantly decided to pursue treatment for my Fin induced low hormones. I ,of course, was not quite as enthusiastic about self treatment. The idea of poking myself with a bunch of drugs was not appealing to me. I did try the AI approach by itself and that was no good for me… Much worse.

So I decided to order my own blood work. I found a website that would allow me to do this without dealing with a doctor. When those results came back I knew I was probably never going to spontaneously get better. Many of you pound your fists about diet and exercise (not that its a bad thing) but my cause was so beyond that. I had rapid muscle loss and no appetite or energy for so long, if I mustered up the will to exercise I was paid back 1000x in pain swelling and slow/no healing.

So I had this new blood work in my hands. It was all bad… What JQD was saying about Low T rang true to me. At the point I was at it was not going to get better on its own. I had already dealt with a GP and Endo. I knew they would not help me. They are way to conservative and will let you suffer, trust me. So I began searching my area for an anti-ageing doctor. I found one and got an appointment. He of course made me re-do the blood work… Got to love this! The blood work came back low still. So he started me on this bio-identical cream. I started that about 2 months ago. Now what has happened is not a miracle over night cure. If I look at this objectively… I can get right up our of my chair now. My vision has improved some. I get night time erections almost every night. Sometimes piss boners. Wellbeing has been so/so. Libido not much… Depression a bit better. Appetite still not great. My point is compared to a couple months ago I have to admit I am doing better. Its not back to the old me but I will take what I can get.

The cream has some downsides… Its messy, transfer issues, possibly not consistent levels ect. So I went back to the doctor this week and asked to switch to shots. He agreed and I began shots. I have still had fatigue and sleep issues. The cream helped but not 100%. Now after the shot I slept only 6 hours (I have been getting 8+ and feeling like shit) and woke up feeling pretty good. I actually had a good dream. Not sexual per say but I had libido in my dream. I noticed and appreciated things like normal. I woke up hungry and actually wanted something to eat. I usually wake up with no hunger. I hope I continue to get slow positive progress with this therapy. I have also incorporated a bunch of the typical supps. Nothing unique really and its hard to say how much they help. I realize not everyone falls into this category… If you do you might find a little relief from treating it. Not a cure but some symptom relief.

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Can you please please post your hormone ranges? Would be useful to all of us.
I think that people who have hormones clearly out of range (Low T) are more likely to benefit from T.
Let me know if this is the case…

Just prior to going on TRT…

Total T: 267 (348 - 1197)
Free T: 7.2 (8.7 - 25.1)
E2: <6 (7.6 - 42.6)
SHBG 31.4 (16.5 - 55.9)

Good to hear MCI. Did you have any negative side effects such as chest pain or high blood pressure? Just curious. Hope you will see continued improvements.

My last BP check was slightly higher but I drank a bunch of coffee just before I went to the doctor.