I am assuming you recently quit, and are experiencing some of the side effects noted here.
The thing you could do assuming the above is true is to get bloodwork done, at a minimum total serum testosterone, LH and FSH, SHBG, and 3a androstanediol glucuronide.
For about $200 US, you could get a 24 hour urninary steroid profile (docotor ordered from Rhein labs or the lab that Dr. Jonathan Wright uses in the northwest). The ratios of some of the metabolites can be used to determine if there is a problem.
Would recommend holding off 3 months or so (after quiting finasteride) before trying any treatment, as a significant majority of men see symptoms resolve. As we have all painfully learned, the endocrine system is a delicate thing and difficult to fix if broken, and there are things out there that do more harm than good.
Welcome to the board - kazman