Immunosuppressive Properties of Finasteride, SSRIs, and Accutane

I am sure this is a tough question, but I need to ask. Are you Th1 or Th2 dominant? I’m sure there’s not an absolute answer because we may demonstrate Th1 and Th2 tendencies, but there’s usually a more dominant side. There’re ways to go about this and one would be to have direct test for inflammatory markers (Cytokines) if resources are available. Ferritin, CRP, and Antibodies tests may all prove usefulness. Paying close attention to symptoms can also be used.

Knowing the answer to that question may pave the way for a treatment modality. In my case, I needed to fortify Th1 to balance out Th2 and to do just that, I attempted the following:

  • Avoid histamine Probiotics
  • Limit high histamine foods
  • Limit antioxidants use
  • Take very little Zinc (balance it with Copper)
  • Balance Vitamin A (liver Retinol) & Vitamin D level
  • Support Adrenals
  • Use Antibiotics (Prescription & Natural ones) for SIBO
  • Reduce Stressors (Mental & Physical)

I’m now experimenting with resistant starch and soon Butyrate. I’d like to think the above was helpful. Oddly enough, I’ve seen some studies hinting that anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. NSAIDS) may be useful. It’s not like I’m condoning their use since they do have their own share of nasty sides (Ulcers being one), but I’m kind of tempted to try low dose Celebrex for my shoulder tendonitis.

Well, when I see the term anti-inflammatory I might also be thinking of a substance having immune suppressive properties.
I started this thread looking at possible immunosuppressive properties of these drugs.
Even if I was to try to simplify your question even further and say do I feel like im more in a constant state of inflammation due to a type of autoimmunity or immunocompromised to some degree, I dont think I would be able to definitively answer that either.
I have been to a rheumatologist for all the common plethora of tests (and its alot) looking at possible inflammatory conditions, nothing really flagged.
There are though multiple studies and even real test results from post-drug patients indicating this ongoing possibility.
Neuroinflammation, pelvic inflammation, etc.
Even in a state of inflammation I think a type of immune deficiency could still be possible.
I would still maybe be looking at boosting immunity ultimately, without triggering autoimmunity.
I am going to be looking into testing the most major cytokines just like they looked at from that last study on Fin. These would be both pro and anti-inflammatory. Im guessing none will be that cheap out of pocket though. They could have limited diagnostic value, but could reveal anything abnormal as far as immunity is concerned, and then go from there.
I’ll have to look into this some more.

One thought or a simple marker is the lower average body temperature that seems to be a trend on here. I think I could include myself in this as well.
Maybe being able to raise that by just a degree or two could be a simple indicator of improved health and immunity.

Also th2 immunity isnt always a bad thing.
Il-10 should probably be looked at.
Its a broad immunosuppressant.
Again good or bad in our case?
Do we know?
Homeostasis might rest at il-10 driven immunity.

Evolution of Th2 Immunity: A Rapid Repair Response

^maybe forget the pathogen angle in the study, or realize a drug could also be considered a “pathogen”
Even allergies.

CD4 þ Th2 cells are directly regulated by IL-10
during allergic airway inflammation
This study provides clear evidence that IL-10 exerts direct effects on Th2 cells, regulating
the survival of Th2 cells and severity of Th2-mediated allergic airway inflammation.

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Still looking at this same immune marker for the moment.
It seems to be known as the most potent anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive cytokine.
Not always a good thing btw, but going over some of the positives first of what i’ve come across.

IL-10 produced by macrophages regulates epithelial integrity in the small intestine
These results suggest that in the absence of IL-10, tissue repair does not occur, in part due to unhindered effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines

Then looking outside the gut, although you could probably consider the oral cavity an extension of this.

Interleukin-10 Inhibits Bone Resorption: A Potential Therapeutic Strategy in Periodontitis and Other Bone Loss Diseases

and then you see how simply this could be modulated.

Probiotic-derived molecule may suppress fatal brain inflammation, preclinical study finds

Scientists explore how swallowing a ‘bacterial envelope molecule’ may prime your body to fend off viral infections

The study, published in Nature Communications on May 14, found that B. fragilis ’ bacterial envelope, PSA, brings forth regulatory T and B cells that suppress the immune system from overproducing harmful inflammatory responses triggered by herpes simplex virus infection. In other words, PSA reduced brainstem inflammation by promoting the appearance of IL-10 secreting regulatory T and B cells. IL-10 is a strong anti-inflammatory cytokine which creates a protective, anti-inflammatory response that prevents encephalitis