Hey guys! Since I’m winning my battle against my very bad brain fog I think you need to know what I’ve discovered.
All our symptoms can be caused by one simple thing: yeast overgrowth (candida).
Please, if you think that only women can get candida and it’s impossible your brain fog is caused by it, think again. I’m not speaking about the vaginal candida, it’s about the one (yeast) that reside in your gut that in some condition can spread to abnormal level and cause a host of problems in all your body (including the brain…indeed brain fog and loss of libido are two very common effects of yeast overgrowth).
What cause candida (yeast overgrowth)? Well…a lot of things including high level of estrogen (think about propecia here), an overuse of antibiotics, high level of stress, a diet with too much sugar and carbs ecc
Do an extensive research into it and I highly suggest you to follow the treatment that is recommended.
You need to follow a very strict diet and take some supplements and then you’ll see your brain fog lifting in a few months if you follow the treatment religiously.
The diet is very very strict (google it).
No sugar and carbs (any)
No diary
No gluten
No alcohol
No lectins
No eggs
No nightshade vegetables
No fruits (for the first few weeks)
You can eat:
Organic meat (avoid at all cost the conventional meat you find at the supermarket, it’s very important for us because it contains antibiotics)
Organic vegetables (all but the nightshade)
Some fish (cod, halibut, alaskan salmon ecc)
and a few other things
You also need to take some supplements…probiotics, antifungal, digestive enzymes ecc…again google it.
I know it’s difficult to believe that our problems start in the gut but trust me…give it a try…let me know