I'm going to die

You are probably referring to these posts, one of which discusses a lack of effect of imipramine on 3a-HSD activity:

…But, there appears to be a strong anti-androgenic effect of serotonin and serotonergic substances independent of any influence on enzyme activity:

Clomipramine and imiprimine may not be as safe as some of us assumed.


I can’t understand why, only a minimal part of people that take this drugs don’t recover the homeostasis…

Can we merge the topic “I’m going to die” with the topic “I prefer to die”? :joy:

I am just kidding, but it is quite terrible that the two top topics now are so similar and (rightfully) pessimistic. If you are feeling miserable, make sure to visit the coping section and you’ll probably find some things to feel good at least for a while


I’m on this forum from about 7 months and I read a lot of research that shows that even water is dangerous. We can’t eat tomatoes, cacao, sugar, carbs, carrots, meat, red fruits… Even air that we breath. I’m scared to eat everything. But isn’t normal. A normal people can eat lot of soy, cacao, tomatoes. Before I crash i could drink a lot of soy milk with chocolate and my T levels were ever fine…

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I’m not sure how serious you are about some of those, but I have avoided a few of them and am now eating all of them. The only thing on that list I avoid now is large quantities of tomatoes (tomato soup, pasta sauce).

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I’m serious… Everyone tell about worsening of symptoms after eat something…

I think I missed the memo on meat and red fruits then. Either way, I eat all of those things.

Even chocolate? I don’t touch chocolate from about 5 months…

my symptoms only worsen when i eat tomato sauce or soups

I’m Italian. I eat tomatoes souce every day and everywhere! If I can’t eat pizza, I prefer to die :joy:

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That’s curious, I have crashed from all kind of drugs but I have never had problems with tomatoes or chocolate. Pasta with tomato and cheese has always one of my main dishes.

Yes, I eat chocolate at least 3 times a week.

You’re telling me that I can eat chocolate again? :heart_eyes:

I’m telling you it doesn’t seem to affect me. I can’t say what’ll happen to anyone else, obviously.

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Yeah I’ve developed penile numbness on the medication over the past 3 days, usually it’s just not really sensitive but never numb, the glans feel numb and also developed the inability to orgasm. So I’m hoping things won’t get worse, if I don’t feel any different in a week or so mentally I’ll have to stop the medication as I feel terrible right now.

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I took large amounts of a flavonoid rich cacao nibs back in March this year and crashed, giving me muscle symptoms, anxiety, depression, palpitations, and extreme insomnia like when I first quit fin. Recovered for a bit in June then ate a lot of something that was anti-androgenic and now I am still suffering from severe debilitating insomnia and muscle stiffness to this day.

Pure cocoa in the form of cocoa powder or cacao nibs is loaded with anti-androgenic polyphenols including resveratrol, quercetin, and tannins. Some people have reported setbacks from eating dark chocolate here. I think chocolate in moderation should be fine though, especially milk chocolate. Don’t eat a whole bar of high quality 85%+ dark chocolate in one sitting. The dosage makes the poison. YMMV.

Well, you’ll have to be more specific. What kind of chocolate and how much of it?

Tried 70 % dark organic chocolate : spent an awful night with heart racing and no sleep…
No go here…
And it is supposed to be the best cause milk chocolate = milk / dairy and not good for gut inflammation ( if you dig this theory, which I know, is controversial here ;))

Yup, my sleep has been wrecked from cacao nibs for several months now. It’s pure hell.

BTW, the fact that mirtazapine can trigger PSSD in some people is simply miserable news.

Today I had to socialise and ate poorly: munched on crackers… Then ate melon, had a local organic brewed beer, some bread and cake… I was expecting a shitty afternoon of brain fog and cognitive madness… Funnily enough I made it through the day quite fine… Well my sexual sides are at their lowest = no erection in 3 weeks but il my cognitive functions could be as they were today, I would not say no… Well I am still mentally far out and the sexual sides make me moody and curse myself for my soon to end relationship, which is going to drag me in limbo… Bright side : anhedonia might “dampen” the break up effect as my emotions are totally fucked up now…