Im convinced Robbie Williams has PFS

I’ve always thought he has pfs.

Years ago he complained of feeling depressed after taking a hair loss pill so stopped taking it.
He’s now dropping to bits but hasn’t connected it. Getting to him would be massive. He’d blow the lid on it. We’ve always needed a big name. It would be a game changer and enhance all of our efforts.


Funny you mention this. I had the exact same thought.

A quote:

“The hair is thinning, the testosterone has left the building, the serotonin is not really here and the dopamine said goodbye a long time ago."


Exactly Pete,

If we could only get to him… if he went public the lights would go on for thousands upon thousands , denial would end , a new frontier for pfs would begin.


Check out Jimmy Carr, his recent dramatic ageing and facial thinning, hallmarks!!! He had a transplant so will be on fin.

The hurdle in all this - as someone mentioned in a thread about Matt Perry - is that often people are on a poly-drug cocktail. Especially wealthy celebrities. Even your average gym guy is trying to find some tiny advantage in his life by taking a big cocktail of supplements from Amazon. This is the world we are in now.

So it is difficult for them to pin down what is doing the damage, or it doesn’t even occur to them that it was ‘the latest one’. Perhaps they are already on an SSRI and this dampens the anxiety and depression effects of PFS. So they are shielded from the body’s warning signals that something is going wrong. Difficult situation.

I agree that if there was some way to get a message to these guys … it may develop into something. I don’t think it would be a priority for the PFSF because it’s quite tenuous and low chance of getting through to the named individuals.

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Carr has had a bunch of plastic surgery too, and has commented on his appearance changing so him looking different, could be a red herring.

Re: @pete’s quote, I saw that somewhere and thought the same too.

To some degree, I wonder if a celebrity could ever be approached directly. Imagine getting a couple of minutes with one of them and trying to reel out “look, I know your doctor wouldn’t agree with me but…”
I hope that everyone that this is happening to manages to get some advice and help however.


Robbie has always had problems with his mental health I think it would be hard to prove if he has PFS.

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Same with most like what Pete said about Matt Perry, Robin Williams, ledger all were on other stuff. I was prescribed ssris to deal with unknown symptoms causes by finasteride. Yet Drs often say you’ve had depression, anxiety for years but they never want listen to the fact that finasteride came first. It’s often the case that other drugs are taken to hold back pfs, then when the bomb goes off you’re in a much worse state. Hopefully one day we’ll get too/ catch a celeb in time whose clean. Beiber is another one being wrongly prescribed stuff.