If it is AR methylation why some of you still growing a beard?

So androgens still working isn’t?

Androgen receptors in certain tissue aren’t working but they’re still working in other tissues

Can you just accept is a non sense and stop defending this non scientific claims?

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That’s a theory made by a few doctors who had PFS patients , unfortunately very little sutdies have been carried out

I have weak erections (to compare to prepfs) and slower beard growth.

AR could be partially methylated.
Makes sense.

Given the variety in symptoms and the variety in severity of these symptoms between patients, it is a pretty obvious idea that our problem may be tissue specific.


I incline to think that something wrong with nerve tissue in brain or peripheral nerves but i think brain is the primary organ effected by it, that explains some instant recoveries.


My beard growth has slowed down 3x


Another question which I believe is often not discussed critically enough, is why do the young guys disproportionately get PFS and not older guys?

The answer is always “higher androgens”, but maybe there’s something else in play here.

A top urologist I saw thought that prostate size / development could be a key with this. I believe DHT has a stronger affinity towards prostate than beard. My beard is fine. Muscles too.

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I don’t think it has anything to do with the prostate , it has something to do with the brain-receptors , for example when you’re asleep or drunk and the brain isn’t 100% funcitonal you can easily achieve decent erections but once your brain is 100% functional you can’t , the connection between our brain and our body seems to be better during sleep cycle , i think if we find out the mechanism behind it , we’ll understand our issue better


someone said that 1 gene methylation could be the cause of these varied effects

how true is that?

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who claims its AR methylation?

the italian professor study disproved that theory, didnt he?

if we knew what genes were methylated we would be able to produce fundings 10000x easier

but we dont know shit

You are only seeing the surface level of AR silencing. Many of the PFS syptoms are a downstream effect of other biological actions that change as a result of AR being silenced in site specific areas of the body…

Taken From:
The 5ARI Withdrawal Syndrome (5ARI-WS)
The Silenced Androgen Receptor (AR) Theory:
Explaining persistent side effects arising from 5alpha reductase inhibitor (5ARI) use

•Downstream AR mediated processes, such as the induction of 3α-HSD, become substantially downregulated as a result of the silenced AR signal. This is evidenced by low 3α-diol-G values with affected patients. Failed induction of 3α-HSD results in a critical drop in neurosteroid levels which in turn is causative for depression, impaired cognitive function and loss of sexual desire (libido).

• Androgen dependent tissues such as penile tissue, muscle and the prostate gland undergo apoptosis as a result of the silenced AR signal.

• Androgen dependent physiological processes such as the male erection are impaired. Lacking activation of sebaceous glands as a result of a silenced AR signal typically leads to dry skin and other skin problems.

• Bone metabolism, which is also androgen-mediated, can become impaired, leading to osteopenia or even osteoporosis. Low Vitamin D values further aggravate this risk factor.

This was written a decade ago and surely there are many updates to this since. But it at least shows you that this isn’t just a surface level problem. And for what its worth, not a single piece of literature or research had gone against this overall theory. So the scientific train keeps chugging whether random PFSer thinks it dumb or not.


People keep talking about AR silencing, but what about the fact that my scalp itched and my skin got oilier?

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It’s different for everyone

I don’t have any boner issues but my brain is fkin fried

@Sawproblemo I agree with you. An excerpt from a scientific research article says “Testosterone can be considered a prohormone in many tissues, as it is converted into either estradiol (a female sex steroid hormone) by aromatase or DHT by 5-alpha reductase (5AR). These enzymes are present in the tissues that are sensitive to the estrogenic or androgenic effects— breast tissue is high in aromatase, the prostate is high in 5AR”.
The article can be accessed here https://www.magzter.com/stories/Mens-Interest/Muscular-Development/DHT-Better-Than-Testosterone-For-Muscle-Building

It’s behind a pay-wall.

But if it’s anything like the title I can tell you whoever wrote it doesn’t know his pharmacology.

Will u take the survey please?