Idea to Convince More People to Not Take Propecia

About a year or two ago I had an idea about associating Propecia and 5ARI’s in general with feminization and trans people, not out of transphobia, but to scare most men away from taking them out of fear of noticeably losing masculinity.

After some replies I received and after thinking about it for some time, I came to the conclusion that this was probably not the best idea and did not move forward with it.

But I have a similar, better idea now. After perusing some of these hair loss forums and subreddits, it’s become quite clear to me that these places harbor a LOT of incels. In fact, after all of those incel subreddit bans, it may very well be that you’ll never find more wretched hives of scum and incel bullshit than r/tressless or And this got me thinking - it may be far easier, and far more effective, to spin Propecia as the Incel Drug of Choice. Considering that, other than literal Nazis, there may very well be no group of people more hated than incels, this could actually be effective in convincing people not to take it.

What are everyone’s thoughts?

Incels are probably socially stunted/awkward and have less EQ/emotional intelligence. Our world of screens and hiding behind them make it hard for anyone born after ~1995 to have the social/interpersonal skills of those of us born before, especially those born before 1980 when all we had was one phone and one tv in the whole house, and maybe a Commodore 64 or Apple 2E, and when people knew their neighbors, talked to people, were not distracted by their devices and screens, and got off their butts to talk through a conflict with someone in person instead of withdrawing, logging onto a website, and spewing immature hate and vitriol anonymously.

Somehow we have to educate younger men on how to learn, behaviorally, the things that older men learned from their dads and peers. How to interact with people, including women if they are straight men and want to have a relationship and sex someday. How to share knowledge and make conversation without geeking out and dominating the conversation and not knowing about pauses, conversation cues, body language, etc etc.

I believe that these kind of guys are more susceptible to online ads and websites that make them feel powerful if they feel powerless: gun and violence sites, sites that radicalize them in a hyper or toxic masculine way, stuff that has an underlying sexism xenophobia homophobia.

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