Idea for a protocol

Hey guys! Im relatively new here but I had an idea I wanted to share with you and see what you think about it.
As I learned through some research on the topic pfs, the condition seems to be caused by peripheral androgen receptor resistance or downregulation, which explains why most of us have normal sex hormone levels but this still hypogonadal phenotype. I seems plausible that the mechanism for this to develop was a time period of androgen deprivation through a 5ari causing a hypersensitivity/upregulation of the androgen receptor to try to balance the lack of dht. The critical hit then is a sudden and extreme rise in dht after discontinuation of the 5ari when 5ari comes back online after 1-2 weeks which causes an exagerated exposure of the androgen receptors to massive amounts of dht. Because this superstimulation is so exagerated the androgen receptors gets silenced to protect from this assault leaving us in a androgen resistent state.
Now my idea: Im sure regulation of androgen sensitivity can occur also in the opposite site. The solution could be to reexpose to an ari5 to lower dht and resensitize androgen receptors. The key point now is to avoid the dht storm which results from 5ari cessation. This could be done by suppressing HPTA axis before 5ari discontinuation. Doing this after 5ari cessation dht would not burst but comes back online slowly not causing the shutdown and preventing again induction of androgen receptor resistance.
This idea come to me reading an article about a certain Dr Pezzi which cured his post accutane sexual dysfunction with finasterid cycling. Maybe the trick would be to take another 5ari. The post finasterid people could take low dose isotretinoin and vice versa for the protocol. This could work better because maybe the susceptibility to different 5ari types is different due to genetic polymorphisms.
Maybe its a crazy idea… what do think about it?
Hope you are all getting better guys!

Look around and you’ll find that people have tried re-exposure to 5ar inhibitors and and that it hasn’t gone well.

The problem is that nobody knows how they’ll react.

Okay I believe that! But maybe they got worse because they not prevented the dht burst after cessation.

Another flaw is that Finasteride has such a flat response that attempting to low dose it may not be possible.

I totally agree this would be a risky option. I would not try it without HPTA suppression to avoid the excessice dht rebound.
I just wanted to share this idea with you

I have gotten back on my drug before and I felt better the first 3 days, then that effect went away and I went back to baseline despite continued routine dosage.

People here have also reported coconut oil consumption in a 3-days-on, 3-days-off manner and felt better in the latter. But almost always the effect is not reliable or completely goes away after several attempts. Coconut oil is an antiandrogen 5ARI.

Your theory about AR overflow is highly stated on this forum and doesn’t have much science to favor or disfavor it. But I will say that even people who cycle off of Finasteride still get PFS even without experiencing a drastic increase in androgenic abilities.

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After about 1 year on Fin and 5 years on Dut, “pfs” symptoms (gyno, fatigue, low libido) crept up on me. I decided to slowly taper off and symptoms still got worse (full-blown PFS).