Hello guys,

I’m gonna make a summary of my story, it’s been long time ago I wasn’t coming to this site…

Well, I crashed in april 2015 (6 months after stopping taking propecia).I was screwed up, total impotence, anxiety, insomnia, panick attacks and so… In 1 or 2 months, I started to be better in order with all the sides except for the sexual sides and brain fog… I was still impotent…

Thanks to god, with time, my body started to recover bit a bit, I didn’t follow any protocol actually, for me I think it was just time… By january or febrary of 2016 I started to be really good, in all the terms… The brain fog had disapeared, I had more energy, and the best thing, I was getting morning erections and spontanious erections, and them were so hard actually…

So all 2016 I’ve been so good, actaully I came back to my pre-finasteride life, was going out, I was getting girls, flirting, having sex (sometimes I took a really small peace of 5mg of cialis, just to be sure I was not gonna fail with a girl)…Well, this 2017 I got a new girlfriend, as I said was going out some weekends, and because I felt so good, like recovered 100%, I was drinking alcohol sometimes, sleeping just 3 or 4 hours some days during the weekend etc…

The bad thing is that 3 or 4 weeks ago, I started to feel different again… suddenly stopped to get morning erections, in 2 or 3 times failed with my girlfriend when I was trying to have sex, and I was getting a really good sex and high libido since the beggining of the year when I meet her… And also I got like a brain fog again…feeling of tired all the time… almost 4 weeks I’m feeling like this, and I’m so worried, maybe the fact I started to live fast again, taking the most of everything, drinking (some weekends) etc was not good…

I was just wondering if some of you guys felt like recovered for a long time (I was recovered for one year)and then started to get some sides again… Hope I will feel good again soon…

Thank you guys.

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