I am a young male (below the age of 24) and was prescribed finasteride by hair loss doctor.
I had recently within the past 3 months lost a very vast amount of hair on my scalp and just went in for a check to see what is going on, I was simply worried about reasons etc.
I quit taking preworkouts/protein powder and instead replaced all diet with natural ingredients for protein/carbohydrate and fat intake 3 days before visiting the doctor.
Anyhow, I went the with my current girlfriend and the doctor took a quick look at me and said “Yeah bla bla you lost hair” and then explained to me he has a fix for it all. (I was already stressed cause I felt he kept putting me down regarding my hair saying it is much worse than it actually is)
We went into the second room, and he prescribed me a drug, i study medicine myself so I was a bit in shock when he didnt even bother to take any hormone level or anything but could make the conclusion that I had “too high hormon level of testosterone” by just looking at me. He told me the drug he is going to prescribe me have barely any side effects and i “might” experience only a slight loss in libido.
He prescribed me this drug and told me to take it for a minimum of 3 months.
Anyway, I went home, took the first pill the same day before even getting home and took a second pill next morning. That day i noticed it became incredibly hard to orgam which got me a bit worried. My girlfriend told me i was paranoid and that i should stop acting and worrying, but i still decided to do research. I found out as much as i could and saw all the threads about side effects and so on and got extremely worried.
Next morning i woke up, and because my girlfriend kept telling me i had nothing to worry about and that the manual says nothing will be permanent etc I took yet another pill (which i regret).
This day my balls started hurting extremely, I fully lost all interest in women and I just felt extremely depressed. I decided not to touch these fucking toxic pills again and sat down crying this day because i was scared i lost my libido for life (i read on internet people lost their libido after just 1 pill and that it was permanent) and i dont know if this messed me up psychologically.
I was overall depressed, thought my life was over and I went out to the gym, no motivation what so ever to even look at girls or feel that i need sex. My dick could not get hard at all and I felt like I no longer was a man.
Today is the 4th day (2 days without pills) and I feel i am getting better. I started getting my libido back (not fully yet), I started being able to have a hard dick and I am feeling a bit better.
The thing that worries me is the “crash” that I have read about people having after a couple of weeks. I am scared I will get one of those “crashes” and be permanently fucked for life.
I have taken many drugs in my lifetime (or tested them) with friends/at parties etc… and I can tell you i have never had such a bad side effect as this.
Will i fully restore?
Will i get back to normal or will i have one of those crashes?
Can 3 pills of 1 mg really fuck me up this badly for life?
I cant imagine what other guys are going through after having taken this for months if 3 pills fucked me up this badly.
I really do hope they ban this so noone else gets hurt.
Also, I dont know if this is in my mind or not, but I feel my balls are smaller? (maybe im just too paranoid).
I cross my fingers that i and everyone here gets well, Please ban this fucking drug, its not worth it!!!