I think I’m developing gynecomastia

I was on fin for 7 months and have been off of it over 7 weeks now. I think I’m developing some gyno. Also I think I have some testicular shrinkage. If my blood tests turn out to be inconclusive like many here, I am trying to decide if I should continue with natural recovery or get on medication to stop the gyno. Many have had bad reactions to AI’s like clomid (clomiphene) etc. I was hoping to continue natural recovery as my ED and aerobic endurance has improved in the past two weeks after my crash. I just like hearing your theories as it helps me sort out what to do. I’m not asking for medical advice, just your opinion based on your experience. Thanks guys.

I also developed gyno after ~9 months on fin and it was the main reason why I quit. Prolactin, progesterone, estrogen and IGF1 all play a role in gyno development. And androgens (testosterone and DHT) counteract them.

Once you have developed gyno the only chance to get rid of it is by surgery. Yes SERMs can make it become smaller to some degree, but never remove it. Me personally would never use such drugs and not even get a permanent effect.

The good thing is as you recover it can naturally become smaller. I can’t remember how long it took for me, but the gyno did decrease in size after a few months as my DHT started to come back.

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Really appreciate this perspective brother. It means alot to me. It helps me think more clearly about it. Can’t thank you enough.

7 Weeks is early days. Really early. You may find that you can find someone here recommending a course of action, a particular drug, etc.

My suggestion is that you can find more people who have made themselves worse by taking something than those who did nothing at all.

If you search for aromatase inhibitor use, you’ll find that some had very bad experiences after using one. I suggest you take a cautious approach whenever you can.

Thanks brother, I noticed many bad stories about AI’s and pretty much every drug/herb/etc. Everyone with different reactions. It’s just hard letting this gyno grow. Hopefully I level off and it doesn’t get too bad. Otherwise I’ll have to adjust and deal with it.

I appreciate your perspective. Everyone’s opinion helps me figure out what to do. It’s tough to just wait around and be healthy but from what I’ve seen it is the safest and sometimes effective approach.

It’s a tough disease and we are all in the dark but I really appreciate the support from the forum. I’d be pretty lost and devastated without you guys. I’m super grateful considering and I know so many of you have it way worse. Lots of love to everyone