I think have ALS

I am losing my ability to swallow which has considerably gotten worse over the last few weeks choking on food and water it’s as if my my throat has lost its muscle strength and can no longer handle food, my right arm appears to be severely weakened as if there’s nerve damage that seems to be making it’s way down to my feet, slurring in my speech and finding it hard to talk, it’s as if I’m not getting enough oxygen into my brain and suffocating from within, I’m also having extreme cognitive issues, to state the severity I woke up a few weeks back and had no idea where I was my surroundings were completely unfamiliar to me but I was just in my bed. I’m dying and it is a slow and most painful death, when I say I’m dying I don’t exaggerate, I can feel it, this should not be happening to me considering 0.25mg of Finasteride landed me here, I deeply regret experimenting which has taken my life quality from about 70% to zero whereby I now spend most of my days in bed weathering away and waiting for the inevitable to happen. I’m dying lads and I think within a year this disease will finish me off. I’m getting tests run at the minute but I know the prognosis can’t be good here.

Also want to state that after doing some research I believe PFS is caused by toxic gain of function due to endocrine disruption and what I believe is happening is that the proteins are aggregating in site specific tissues and can’t get access to the receptors due to an epigenetic change that seems to have a permanent/semi permanent modality maybe due to point mutations I’m really unsure but I don’t believe my situation can be reversed. Just horrendous


I’m so so sorry man
Idk what to say

I really hope things only look bleak but will get better for you very soon

Sorry to hear the bad news. I hope you get out of this

How old are you ? And how long did you take the 0.25 MG’s of fin for ?

How long have you been in this bad of shape for ? What tests are they running ?

Thank you I don’t think they will as it’s been a year now and I have just deteriorated it’s as if the nervous system is being attacked.


Yes 0.25mg of Finasteride which crashed my androgen system then sodium butyrate basically finished me off it fried my estrogen system so I have two syndromes now totally destroyed me I can’t use my right arm.


See the link I posted yesterday lowering dht in the csf leads to motor neuron death and possibly ALS…Dht is a protectant…I also saw a video on YouTube of two lady Dr’s discussing the situation with pfs and she said they had seem some patients who had completely blocked dht/androgen receptors and developed ALS…

Man you definitely can’t post something like this without any source.


Try to involve a newspaper or a BBC Studio in Northern Irland to publicise your case after using a cosmetical product!! Or let your parents Tell, about their pain…This ist murder! You are such a nice guy, Merck killed your live and killed my live and killed much other lives!! It’s time for a headline!! There was allready a TV Show to pfs in britisch TV in your video. Show them what you are suffering.

I can go outsite, can go swim, but with the body of an 80 y old man and I feel like shit with burning feets an muscle loss among all the young sexuall people.


I’m just at the beginning of this Journey to the hell.


I seen it and responded in that thread

Melchangi’s study in 2014 showed lower DHT in the CNS in PFS group compared to control group. Your ALS link showed lower DHT in the CNS of ALS group compared to control .

One more piece of the puzzle and I don’t like where this is going . I just want a fast death it this is where it’s going . No fear either way

Also high urine Allopregnanolone in 5 out of 5 fin and Saw P PFS guys tested including my own. And low glutamate in 5 out of 5. This is ZRT lab analysis. I think we should build on these urine neurotransmitter tests and if we keep seeing this pattern send the results to Melchangi. Maybe he would do a full neurotransmitter CNS PFS study . He’s already on that path anyway with his latest study concerning epinephrine and maybe if he sees 20 of us showing the same things in urine it would encourage him. Please if anyone is interested and willing to invest a little money in a test PM me so we try to see how far this pattern goes.

I have a mitochondrial myopathy. This is the reason for muscle los

I’m shocked dear Ryan and Family, I feel with you. Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

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Please don’t make such affirmative statements without a source .

Not being a dick but you know how everyone’s going to respond to a statement concerning what most PFS people have without a source

I have a laboratory Analysis to the mitochondrial parameters I can post a screenshot…

Ok thank you
Much appreciated. And it is hard to attach anything into a post on this site so it’s understandable that it’s not easy to do

My thoughts are with Ryan and His Family…


Got it, it’s the part from 09:45.

If the could provide some documentation about those cases it would be helpfull.

How do you know?

I ll give you a screenshot of mitochondrial medicin from a laboratory. Tomorrow.

But pfs is a multiple damage!

So let’s focus to ALS and papasmurf shocking statement.


Who is Ryan by the way ?

Papasmurf connected his propetia help account with his YouTube Video.