About 18 months ago I took two Tribulus capules which made my situation worse.
Up until then I would consider myself quite a mild case of PFS
Within days of taking Tribulus amongst the many new symptoms I developed, I noticed a dent on my right cheek.
This is actually neurogenic muscle loss.
Over the Easter Weekend I saw a pic of myself from before Tribulus but after PFS and the dent was actually there. Just smaller in size.
So Tribulus made it worse, infact within days of taking Tribulus I also noticed small muscle loss on my right bicep and right shoulder, it’s definitely neurogenic muscle loss and I will eventually get an MRI to confirm, I just don’t want to do it now as I am not ready to actually handle it being confirmed.
I have googled Parry Romberg Syndrome and as of now the right side of my face manifests like a very mild case.
This condition generally takes 10 years to burn out and there is no cure or treatment.
In my case because Tribulus made it worse, I am hoping that if I live a clean and healthy life not taking any supplements maybe my situation won’t deteriorate further.
Has anyone else suffered similar?
I would add this is the first time I strongly feel I would like to take a case against Merck for damages due to what their drug has inflicted on me.