I really need help… I think I permanently damaged my thyroid with Cytomel?

Hi, so I’m 19 year old female, with PSSD, after I got PSSD I found out that my thyroid wasn’t working optimally anymore and I read a lot of stuff about t3 here and since I was desperate I started 12.5 mcg of Cytomel a month ago because of severe fatigue, depression and highish tsh.

I used it for 25 days and stopped because a doctor told me to. I took thyroid tests and now my thyroid is wayy worse than it was even before taking the cytomel. My TSH went up and t3, free t3, t4 and free t4 really went down… so my labs post Cytomel are worse than before Cytomel…

I’m very scared I made permanent damage to my thyroid, I read going cold turkey off Cytomel can cause permanent thyroid damage and I’m so so scared I really can’t live with more health issues. For now I reinstated the t3 and will try to taper off the 12.5 mcg slower I’m very scared to say the least

Hey Katy, I feel with you and your experienced self medication to do anything to get out of this situation. But often body is heeling just by time.
Many here made bad experience with compounds and supplements. But if there was a chance to get out of it, I would do everything and how longer suffering, as higher the risk we go.
But after all most important is to go out of the bett, even It seems to be an impossible act and go outside for a little walk.
This is the best thing for healing body and soul.

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I actually did the same thing last year. I quit cytomel (T3) cold turkey. From what I read you’re supposed to taper off. I regret quitting cold turkey and I’m pretty sure I damaged my thyroid.

I didn’t even have a thyroid problem in the first place but thought it could cure my pfs and I got frustrated and quit cold turkey when I realized it was a failure. Although it did give me a temporary 1 week recovery where my pfs went away.

I never got around to getting blood tests done in the last year. I know I probably should get some tests done but I’ve become very apathetic due to pfs. I’m curious to see if tapering off can turn your thyroid back on?

I personally fear that once it’s damaged you have to take meds for life which is partly why I’ve avoided dealing with the situation.

try fasting it may help

What makes you say that? Fasting has a long history of being recommended here, normally with recommendations to do longer and longer fasts when it doesn’t help.

Wow, I’m sorry to hear that :worried: may I ask what new symptoms make you feel like you damaged your thyroid and at what dose did you cold turkey’ed?

I mean cant do harm can try 48h to see how it goes…maybe it helps maybe it does noting but for sure it will not harm…or tried carnivore that can reset it too as well and wont do more harm thats most important now to not do more harm…dont think its permament should lvl out in time given in healthy body but since its pfs who knows…dont have expirience with tyroid meds…this are just my thoughts and this it can be tried that wont do harm

Just go back on cytomel and slowly taper off. 12.5 is a super small dose, so in a sense you already did taper off. Give it time and your levels should come back.

thanks for the reply, yes I will go back on 6.5 mcg for 3-4 days and then taper to 3.25 mcg for 3 days and then quit. Do you think that’s an okay taper or should I do it slower?

I fear I damaged it because most of what I’ve read online says if you don’t taper your thyroid gets damaged.

In terms of symptoms I didn’t get any new symptoms. I pretty much most symptoms as it is but maybe it could have made the pfs fat gain worse? I don’t know I’m not sure.

I was generally taking 50-75 MCG of cytomel a day. I tried 25mcg and 100mcg for a short while too. I was just desperate and experimenting.