I prefer to die

Guys I feel totally bad this is an absolute nightmare. I keep crashing and my physical symptoms get worse. This is undoubtedly the most terrifying summer ever. Any news of Baylor? If I have to continue like this I prefer to die. And you, how are you?

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Don’t pin everything on Baylor. We’ve also got our own propeciahelp studies going on off the back of the survey, people experimenting, and not just propeciahelp either.

People can and do recover from NASTY cases of this. I know it’s a nightmare, probably all of us do. Some worse than others and yes it’s suffering like nothing else.

Recoveries are possible and happen. And they’re definitely being worked on. Hang tough there friend, brilliant people are working on this.


Hang in there buddy!
It Is tough but you need Tino hang on there!


If you need an instant pick me up, get in the freezing cold shower for 1-3 min right now.

Our minds often magnify our reality.

“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life. Not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.”


There’s probably also a LIFETIME of protocols you could give a month to which have helped people out. I’m absolutely FUCKED if I’m not beating this, and you will too.

Fasting and a couple of other bits have improved me. I can now work a day, sleep a night and just about function 80% of the time. I’d never have believed I’d be doing this well even 2 months ago.

I’ve literally no doubt I’ll fix myself, and when I do I’ll let the forum know. But tbh I also genuinely believe some people will beat me to it.


Also this little statement here is probably more fantastic than a lot of people realise. Yes, some of this.

From personal experience of many crashes I can say they always pass, when were in the thick of it it seems never ending. The tips pointed out in this thread actually work and are part of my routine. Hang in there mate it will get better and there is a brighter future on the horizon


What do you guys mean by “crashes”? I’ve only had one actual crash after my initial PFS crash, which was caused by having too much caffeine. In my opinion we should try avoiding the use of drugs, junk food, alcohol and caffeine as all of these can most likely crash you. While I experience a “rollercoaster” of symptoms (periods where my symptoms improve, then worsen, then improve again), I haven’t had a “crash” in around five months now.

The only comfort I have found is accepting that my fate is God’s wishes.

To the rest I say we spend our lives worrying about pointless crap or serving our own egos. If people here have mild symptoms but are struggling mentally with PFS please put the time and effort into your mental health. Learn to enjoy life and make the most of it. Learn to stop worrying and overthinking, neither are any way to live. Understand yourself, take time to reflect on the person you have become and the person you once were. Devise rules for life that are based on facts and don’t allow emotions born from fear, depression or anxiety to make decisions for you. Understand that inner voice in your head and when it is working against you. Ask questions and keep asking them, do not hold back for fear, shame or embarrassment. Find yourself and you will find a better life waiting for you.


i understand him. i wouldnt hope for this baylor study. Because afterwards you will be dissappointed. I dont know if anyone else, except our moderators here, are working on our problem right now. i know of new melcangi studies and dr healy. lets hope the best! when you take your life you will never experience how we solve this mess, sue merck and finally get our lifes back. Only in the darkness you can see the stars. Once you choose hope, anything is possible :blush: Stay strong demon because things WILL get better. lt may be stormy now, but it never rains forever !

If this can offer any hope and consolation…

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That was a really interesting read, it’s amazing how far genomics has come in regards to technological innovation.
I wonder are they able to sequence epigenetic expressions? Like work out which genes are being expressed the most and which aren’t, it’d be amazing in the next 10 or 20 years or so, to be able to walk into a clinic and see what your genes are doing and get them altered the same day to basically optimise yourself, improving your whole body from making your brain work at peak performance, making sure your immune system is on point and making sure the “bad genes” don’t cause cancers or other diseases to form, obviously it’s hard to predict now as we don’t know all the possible genetic interactions or exactly what each gene does, but sure we couldn’t do genome sequencing even a couple years ago so I’m optimistic :grin: Genomic Optimisation, I want that to be a thing haha, has a nice ring to it.


I agree with you Demon. I’m trying to hold on till 2020 and see where I’m at but I got some stuff in my closet that will give me a relatively peaceful ending (I hope). Either way my symptoms are too severe and I’m not waiting years and years for a solution that no one even knows the root cause for (and has about 5 doctors in the world that acknowledge it.) I understand if your biggest problem is weak erections and some low libido then you might want to hang on. But if you check off almost every box on the symptoms list and they are all severe versions of it there is only so much you can stand. No emotions, no sexuality, no sleep, physically falling apart = a shitty, awful life. I’m 37 and I don’t need to wait in torture for years just for a small chance at a solution. So then I can rebuild my life at age 50. C’mon. There are worse things than death and this is one of them. Sorry if I sound negative but it’s the truth.

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All the pain was worth it

For I lived till this moment

When God spoke to me.


Guys – no-one will understand us or take us seriously until we understand ourselves. That means stop talking about “crashes” once and for all. This undefined, nebulous and misleading term misrepresents what PFS is.

  1. Feeling worse emotionally is not a crash. This is how emotional distress works - you go between feeling worse and feeling better. This variability is not a symptom of PFS. This is a symptom you have a human brain. For the same phenomenon manifested elsewhere, check out “waves” and “windows” on antidepressant withdrawal forums.

  2. Having a lower libido temporarily is not a crash, just like having a higher libido temporarily is not a recovery. Libido is variable and it oscillates around a baseline. Just because you feel almost normal for a brief moment around the peak of the wave, it doens’t mean you have crashed when the wave reaches its trough, as it will.

  3. The same argument applies to almost everything else - sleep is variable, pain is variable, erections are variable…

  4. Even returning to PFS baseline after a sustained improvement on a protocol should not be called a crash. The only thing that should be called a crash is when you got PFS for the first time. Alternatively, if you have sustained, prolonged and tangible improvement in core PFS symptoms (libido and ED!) without treatment, and then get worse again, then this could also be called a crash.

Update: I actually admit to the possibility of being wrong about this. Someone talked to me in private about something that looks like it might be a legitimate crash, triggered by alcohol. I still find this less likely than the alternative (argued above) though.

Update 2 (July 4th, 2019). Some recent experiences of mine along with re-analyzing old information are making me re-evaluate my position on “crashes” (if not on recoveries). Beyond normal variation around a baseline, which is still a valid argument, I now believe a person with PFS can get even worse after a treatment protocol (as measured by core PFS symptoms), something many people have obviously experienced, and I now I think I have experienced myself with Tribulus. I am now leaning towards the idea that raising testosterone levels (although perhaps any change in androgens can cause this when AR are upregulated), while resulting in temporary improvement, may further downregulate whatever is downregulated epigenetically in PFS, resulting in increased androgen insensitivity and consequently even worse PFS (lower libido). This is definitely a crash and it results in getting an even worse form of PFS, most likely permanently. I will write a more detailed post about this elsewhere as no doubt this phenomenon has significance about the etiology of PFS.


@Sibelio - that’s one of the best and most true posts I’ve read on here.

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You can rebuild your life whenever you want, it doesn’t matter what age you are once you’re alive, if you’re dead? There’s no chance of anything.

My uncle started his life at 40, basically drugs messed everything up for him, absolutely ruined it and nobody thought he’d ever recover.

At age 38 after being in prison for 2 years, he decided to go into intensive rehabilitation, he learned everything, how to cook, use all the household stuff, met friends and like minded individuals who wanted to change their life too, all that stuff, now he’s just turned 40, off drink and drugs, fully functional and basically has his first propper job, met a lovely girlfriend and looks great, he’s doing better than anyone could of imagined, if he simply have up, he wouldn’t of been able to do that. So I hold to the belief as long as you’re alive, anything can happen no matter how bad things seem or who tries to tell you otherwise :blush:


Exactly. The overuse of the words crash and recovery has been a consistent theme for ages now. Almost nobody actually crashes and almost nobody recovers. These huge swings are all in the head, not reality. Maybe people want PFS to be more up and down a lot, because that makes a potential recovery seem more plausible than it is in reality. PFS is more a very stable baseline, which if anything slightly lowers over the years.

What do you mean lowers? I thought many improve to some degree over time. I’ve seen improvement in certain areas such as ejaculate force, nocturnals, and feeling more aggressive at the gym

Some might improve slightly, at least the same amount slightly lower their baseline, many stay the same. These wild swings going from crash to crash or crash to a surging recovery are fictional bs.