I only have the sexual side effects, anyone else?

I only have the sexual side effects, anyone else?

Hello, I started taking finasteride when I was 42 years old. I was taking it for 6 months, and I stopped because I started having the sexual side effects. Low libido, little erection, etc. I stopped the finasteride but the side effects remained. It’s been 8 years since I stopped taking the medicine and I still have the same side effects, but worse. I ejaculate only once a month, and because I make a great mental effort to get an erection and be able to ejaculate quickly. But I only have the sexual effects. I have no mental fog, nor does anything hurt. Sometimes I am very sad, but it is because of my situation. Am I the only one like this, who only has the sexual side effects? Thank you.

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There are many people like you.
I am 24 years old and my sexual desire has been destroyed
In my opinion, inhibition of 5 alpha reductase has disabled our prostate and testicles
The only reason I’m still alive is my parents

If you have erectile problems, I suggest you take arginine and ginseng daily.
Of course, please consult your doctor first

While I always had other symptoms, sexual ones never really improved. In some ways I felt asexual. I recently got a penile implant which helps the ED part but libido is still low