I no longer have PFS, but I may have fatal liver and gut issues

Well, today marks the day that I’ve recovered (Or 99% recovered) from PFS. Sexual, mental and physical sides are gone (Except joint clicking noises, but even that’s been going down lately). My hormones are now normal, so I’m no longer getting scalp itch and scalp acne (Thank God). I doubt I have any receptor issues as well.
No more bone pain or muscle pain or pain anywhere else in the body except the back when I eat gluten.

Unfortunately, I have liver and digestive issues now. I literally think my liver and gut have been physically damaged beyond repair during the first 2 months of PFS.
I’m having trouble ingesting most foods and substances. It’s different from other digestive issues from other PFS sufferers, since I don’t get libido issues or mood swings or other symptom relapses with food. If I eat the wrong things, my stomach starts growling and I get a lot of gas. I also developed some kind of gluten sensitivity.
My liver enzymes keep going up.

I’ll be going on a Keto diet soon. Any religious people on this board, please pray for me.

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what did you for recovery ?

Nothing, really. I just waited it out, but please do note that having liver malfunction is far worse than PFS. I may die very shortly.

I did pray for You, but please see a doctor if You have really elevated liver enzymes. Its not something to be dealt with by keto, but by a doctor. Is Your doctor not concearned about You liver values? It should be investigated closely, likely even involving You being admitted to hospital - if really serious. You shouldnt be self healing such serious condition, actually Your doctor should take over the whole situation. I “understand” (know of) docs underestimating digestion issues - but not liver. Are You sure its liver? GGT values are liver specific. But its not an internet topic, its a doctors duty and responsibility. TLDR - Please, for Your own good, closely investigate with an actual doctor, dont selfmedicate or selfdiagnose real evidential medical issues

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Yes, I’ll see a liver doctor soon.
The other doctors couldn’t explain it. They did sound concerned, but they didn’t know what was causing it.

Thank you for the prayer, friend.

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You have an actual evidence of a problem so I believe it will be dealt with, dont worry You will die soon, because no doctor would let You “running around” if those values would be that serious. Lets wait what the liver doc will say, I believe it will be deal with and the root cause identified. Again, dont worry about death because You would be in the hospital right now if that would be the case. Keep Your head up buddy, it will likely be clear soon - and I believe solved :slight_smile: Stay strong in the meantime, good luck

Thanks, friend. Gotta set up an appointment now.


As I mentioned in the other thread I don’t think you have fatal liver issues. I and many others have had elevated enzymes shortly after stopping the drug. Be grateful your pfs symptoms are gone

When you say fatal liver issues what do you mean? You really dodged a bullet to begin with if your feeling recovered. What liver tests did you do?

how long did you wait ?

Your elevated liver enzymes are not fatal at all. There is just a marker of inflammatory process in the liver. My father had 1500/1700 ALT AST for months, now he have again 500/700.
There are couple of things that you can try to reduce them (Artichoke, Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Licorice Root) but they are all phytoestrogens/glycosides beside of TUDCA, NAC. I think you can try NAC.

Also, test yourself on Viral Hepatitis, Autoimune Hepatitis, Pancreatic and Bile issues. You may do an Abdominal Ultrasound.

Do some liver tests by taking blood.

  • Cholesterin
  • Gamma-GT
  • Alkaline phosphatase
  • Pseudocholinesterase

Do these liver tests (via blood sample) to begin with. They will give you or your doc an idea of proper liver functions. I myself done them, cause i have weird and ennoying stomach growlings after meals for many hours.

I got elevated ALT enzyme 4 months post finasteride . They just did another test and it’s back to normal .
When the liver has been properly conked you will notice some clear signs : not just turning yellow btw.

  • urine is dark (coca cola colored)
  • stools are light and clay colored (as the bilirubin breakdown isn’t happening)
  • swelling in the ankles as liver can’t process the fluids out
  • skin will be itchy from the bilirubin deposits
  • there would also be quite substantial pain from the upper right quadrant of the abdomen.
  • Terry’s nails - where the fingernails turn white with no lunula

If you experience any of the above you should tell
your doctor and arrange for a second test . :+1:

Did you have digestive / stool issues on top on elevated liver enzymes?

Liver malfunction. It’s not processing anything I ingest properly.

3 months, but I’ve seen a consistent slow recovery since I quit with very minimal setbacks.

The ultrasound I got 2 months ago said minimal fatty infiltration or something of that nature. The results were “unremarkable”.

Sadly, no doctor I’ve seen ordered these tests. I need to find a liver doc.

I have slightly yellowish stools. None of the other symptoms.