I must be the only one who went back to taking propecia after having the symptoms

I made a serious mistake. I felt the symptoms, low libido, but I thought it was because of prostatitis. I stopped taking propecia and the symptoms of low libido continued. I thought it was because of prostatitis. After 6 months without taking propecia, I started losing hair again, and I made the fatal mistake of taking propecia again. The result was terrible. With the first pill, the libido went to 0, the penis was completely dead, making a single erection impossible. I stopped taking propecia and my libido recovered the first few days, but it went down again. I have had this disease for 10 years now. Libido is almost dead. I only have 1 erection every month or every two months, and it is a very weak erection, almost impossible to ejaculate, and it lasts very little, only 5 minutes.

Scientists should study my case, because I must be the only one who took the medication a second time.

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been going through this awful experience, there are many here who can relate.

You are definitely not the first person who went back on finasteride and tried a second time. I’m sure other users can chime in and share their experience. It is unfortunately a pattern that people who go back on the drug experience worsening of their symptoms. I hope that despite this, you will make a strong recovery, or at the very least will have improvements with some time.

Also, I have sent you a personal message with some instructions for new users.

Please take good care of yourself and stay hopeful that with time things can get a little better.

I took it on and off for over 15 years.