I’ll just cut right to the symptoms:
-Twitching in one hand for a week. Usually my right hand, although yesterday it was my left for a bit. It’ll be only in one finger at a time. If it’s not twitching then the finger will feel sore and stiff.
-Only able to sleep for 6 hours. I wake up early and cannot fall back asleep no matter how hard I try or how long I lay with my eyes closed. It’s been bad this week but I’ve been having sleeping difficulties for the past year, just not this bad until recently.
-Muscle fatigue. I woke up this morning to sore, tired arms. It feels like I just finished a workout lifting dumbbells even though I’ve been asleep for 6 hours.
-Gastroparesis. For a while I thought I had Diabetes because I had an episode where I could taste sweetness on my breath. Would feel nauseous after eating, faint, dizzy. Decided to fast for a day and it got better. But I’m wondering if my vagus nerve is damaged from Parkinson’s which could cause a buildup of sugar in my stomach would could lead to a sugar rush.
-Bowel issues. I used to have fast moving bowels that would completely empty for most of my life. My dad is the same. It was sort of a joke in our family. A few years ago, that ended. Now they’re slow moving and I have to push hard to empty, and it still doesn’t feel like I’ve fully emptied.
-Depression. I’ve had it for who knows how long (years?) But it feels different lately. I can’t even cry like I used to. Emotionally flat. Feels like I have no dopamine. Don’t derive the same enjoyment from a video game now as i did only 1.5 years ago. So something has changed.
-Exercise fatigue. I used to be somewhat of an avid weightlifter. Could go for 1.5 hours and feel good. 2 ish years ago, I couldn’t get going. My body felt lethargic. I had to put in say 1.5 times the effort to lift the same amount of weight and do the same routine. My body just couldn’t step it up, or could but with a lot of effort. Eventually I just gave up. However, lately I’ve been running. It started out well but because I can’t sleep well it’s getting harder.
-My body twitches a lot in general. Last night when I was trying to sleep I could feel a twitch somewhere (not all places at once). Left foot, left calf, near my rib, neck, a hand.
-Occasional difficulty swallowing. Have had this for a couple of years, but it’s been worse the past year and more frequent. Feels like food sometimes just slowly slides down. Have to drink some water to help it, but not too much or I’ll feel like I’m suffocating.
-Low libido. Huge loss in sexual activity for the last 6 months. Unusual for me as I’m 26 and seemed to not have sexual sides very bad compared to most users here.
-Weight loss. Los about 10-15 pounds for no obvious reason a few years ago.
-Forgetful. Hmm, what was I going to say? Oh yeah, memory is bad, especially short term. Very unusual for me. Most of my life I had very good memory. Tested 94th percentile on working memory on a WAIS-IV IQ test three years ago. As a teen if I knew I had to wake at a certain time sometimes I would wake up 1-2 minutes before my alarm clock would go off. Now the past year, I’ll sit down at the computer to google something but immediately forget. Very abnormal for me.
-Urinary issues: Frequent urination, can’t hold urine very well, have to get up at night to pee. This was one of the first symptoms I had. Have had it for almost five years. It actually started while I was still on fin. (EDIT #1)
-Acid reflux: I’ve had this as young as 19, as the years have gone by it’s become more frequent and more intense. At this point it occurs weekly, usually after eating and once I get into bed. This could again be related to gastroparesis, whereby my vagus nerve isn’t functioning properly. Also a symptom of Parkinson’s. (EDIT #3).
I’ve probably forgotten a few symptoms so if I think of any more I’ll add them.
Some info about me: 26 year old Caucasian male. 5’8” ~145 pounds. Took finasteride 1.25 mg everyday from start of 2016 until halfway through 2017, 1.5 years total. Been off for almost 4 years.
My theory as to what’s happened: Fin (or the cessation of taking fin) at some point damaged my stomach/bowel muscles through some unknown process (DNA damage? Hormone imbalance?), which cause a buildup of bacteria in my gut. Over time, this bacteria made its way to my brain OR some other area of my body and damaged and killed my Central Nervous System cells, which is what Parkinson’s is. Here’s an article that supports the latter part of my theory:
Please pray for me if you can. I really fear I’m nearing the end here. I just don’t understand why millions of men have taken Finasteride but don’t have these symptoms. Did I have Parkinson’s all along and fin just exacerbated it? Or did fin really cause it through some unknown process? I’m going to try to fall back asleep now, but I doubt I’ll be able to.
Thanks for reading if you did.
EDIT #2: I’m sure if you read through my post history you’ll think I’m a hypochondriac. I’ve made a fair number of posts before saying I have this or I have that, and I’ve been wrong usually. But, you’ll just have to take me on my word when I list my symptoms, and if you look up Parkinson’s you’ll see a lot of overlap. Even right now, as I sit here typing this, my fingers are jittery. Like, I don’t have the pinpoint accuracy I used to have. I go to hit a certain key but my finger moves a bit and I mistype. If it’s not Parkinson’s then I guess it’s PFS.