I’m losing hope

Thanks for checking in man. Up and down, here. Trying my best to hope for recovery.

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Thank you so much for posting these videos. I recently had a PFS crashed last week from 7 days of topical use. It’s been really hard for me to cope and I thought I had lost my emotions to severe depression, but these videos actually made me cry and feel sadness, it’s really shit how much this syndrome is downplayed.


Fellas stay in the game please
For all we know someone somewhere is very close to figuring this shit out
The side effects have a strong way to demoralize our spirits and make us want to give up out of desperation

Please just think of how happy you’ll be after you’ve stuck it out a bit longer

It could be next week or next year or 2 but who cares if and when they do figure it out
They will. Someone will

“Hard work pays off,
Dreams come true,
Tough times don’t last,
But Tough Guys Do!”