I Just Want to Say Thank You

Hey y’all, I’m 23 years old and started using finasteride 3 months ago. I haven’t had any side effects, but because of these stories and the people evidence that shows PFS as a possibility, I’ve decided to stop using finasteride. I quit 3 days ago. No amount of hair is worth even the slightest chance of this happening. I’d rather be bald any day. I still don’t want to lose my hair, so I will be using minox for now. I pray that better/safer treatments will be available soon, but if not I can just get hella tattoos and go to the gym and get swole af.

I truly am sorry for what happened to you all

Hey, thanks for posting. You’re absolutely right, nobody here would say it was worth it.

But, just FYI, we have had people here who only used Minoxidil. So, it might be worth just not having anything to do with any of this stuff.

Good luck.