I have surgery coming up - general anesthesia post propecia (w/ bad effects)

Hey guys,

I have been reading this board for a while…it’s really sad to hear that this is going on with so many people. I sort of hoped it was in my head or caused by stress, etc… I was on propecia for 4 mos and stopped when I didn’t notice any hair changes (other than weird plaque on my teeth - go figure)… so now, I have no sex drive and my penis is thinner. I seriously thought i was crazy but reading this is shocking…I guess, at least I’m not nuts (though those shrunk too…I think)

Anyway, the reason I am posting is bc I have surgery in 3 weeks and my body has hormonally been really screwed up. Has anyone had surgery post propecia with general anesthesia? I hope I do ok and recover adequately… but it would be great to hear from someone else on this issue. I had the standard pre-op labs that my surgeon runs (CBC, platelets, comp chem, PT, PTT, HIV, and TSH) which were all 100% fine. But I’m a little concerned and I got a crazy ass look from my doctor when I mentioned “propecia withdrawal”. Thank you.

I developed gyno right after quitting fin and had it removed, the anesthesia part went fine (the surgery itself…less fine).

thanks omni… sorry the surgery did not go well… male gyno surgery is a lot more complicated than doctors appreciate i think. when the scar tissue caused by the cannula contracts, it can create lumps, unevenness, and sunken in nipples. very few docs are experts at this.

I want to have a rhinoplasty surgery, too. But im not sure if it is a good idea or not for people like us. Is there anyone who had have any surgery under genereal anesthesia since 2008?


perhaps it is not my place to say so, but i have learned that vanity is a bad, bad thing. i wanted to improve the hair line god gave me so i used finasteride and it has destroyed my life beyond words. perhaps it will be in your best interest to just go with what you have. this is just my own perspective, and whatever you do, i wish you all the luck and happiness in the world.

Rhinoplasty surgery? No offense but there is not way I could elective surgery in my state nor would I want to put myself through it and the expense not knowing what the future holds. Just way too many bigger problems, at least for me. I have some oral surgery coming up and it’s hard to see the point even in having that done anymore.

I had surgery for a fracture 1 month ago. Took me a few days to recover from anesthesia but everything is fine. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Hi, what went wrong ? Was it link to PFS ?

I have had 3 knee surgeries, one shoulder surgery, an appendectomy, and a IPP - didn’t have any side effects from anesthesia, apart from a few hours of nausea which is pretty normal.