I guess that's it

We are cursed
Unfortunately we have no option but death
What did we do to deserve this life. All thing we want is be our self
There is no god im sure of it
I tried my best but nothing changed
Sometimes death is better than live like a coward.
Ten million people are taking this medicine and why we get this trash syndrome?
it’s not logical
How can it possible
Why we have to get dementia in 20 or 25 years old
Just tell me the reason
From a fucking hairloss pill???
How?is that logical?

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Come on man, it can get better. You need an entirely new perspective and I know it’s not so simple after DNA being altered from finasteride. It’s like an injury that no one can see but you and you’re being told you’re not injured yet you just want to be yourself to take on life. I had PFS back in 2000 and it’s now 2024 , I’m not the same as before finasteride but I’m in a better place and able to try and adapt to this life now. Before you were born you agreed to a certain amount of suffering, your soul wanted this not your human self and I agree what and who would ever want to go through this? Fkn not me but here we are. You’re reaching out and you’re talking about it and there is some strong will within you obviously. Do things that are positive for your brain and body and spirit and it will take a lot of patience ( one of the hardest part ) and try to eliminate things that are only making your quality of life worse like alcohol etc , you can always go back to that junk but right now focus on healing and getting well and telling yourself that you CAN help heal your DNA. Keep your head up my friend