I Did NoFap For 14 Days ON STEROIDS And This Is What Happened…

This man has been on extreme 5ar treatment and then he makes videos like this. He is acting like he has no sexual problems. I have not watched this stupid video and I don’t want to because I can tell by it’s title the gist of it. No fap means not masturbating so that you can have more pleasure later. I have long ago watched this poor guy use dutasteride for a whole year along with Finasteride both together. I think he is faking his sexual prowess.

You watched the video? What does it say? Do you expect everyone to watch this 13 minute long video to then give you their answer? They won’t. Well, not as many as if you explain what is in the video and what the main points are.

No offence intended, but yours is the second post I’ve read in a row that basically expects people to watch a video for no reason other than it was posted here. This is not a good way to start a conversation.


Ok I didn’t explain the stupid video because I haven’t watched it.


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I didn’t explain it properly. I’m sorry. I have edited the post

I don’t think he is faking it. I do have the uttermost respect for Derek, even though I don’t share some of his opinion on 5ARI.

Using exogenous androgens greatly deminish the risk of getting PFS. Especially penile issues. In studies normal T without DHT lead to penis atrophy, but when having very high T and no DHT it didn’t affect the penis.

Also he is using Cialis etc.

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Anabolic steroids helps with fin side effects oh my god that’s insane