I contacted with Professor Melcangi

I wrote an e-mail to Professor Melcangi and asked him for help - I was interested in his latest article on treatment or therapy with neurosteroids. I’ve been suffering from pfs for five years.

The professor responded quite quickly and sent me a form to fill in.

I filled it out and sent it back. Thanking him and his team for such an impressive result.

No response was received. Complete silence.

How long ago was this?

11 of January 2020

Sounds like he has a standard form to send to members of the public and that he’ll get back to you when time is permitting.

I have no idea what the professor may deliver on our behalf, but I would presume that any scientist would get more results when spending time working on their projects rather than replying to members of the public, so I’d say that waiting a while isn’t a bad thing.


if you want, I can upload the form.

He’s aware of the forum, I think he’d ask if he wanted people to fill it out.


I’ll quote:

**Finally, therapeutic, **
like for instance neuroactive steroid treatment, able to relief or to cure this condition are also urgently needed.

so I decided to write to him.

Guys, I really don’t think it’s a good idea to directly contact people trying to help us. It’s a bit inconsiderate. They are already doing enough for us and that isn’t their job. Last thing they need is a bunch of people they don’t know making unsolicited contacts. We could easily start scaring people off with that kind of thing. Please have respect and appreciation for all these people are doing for us. We owe them incredible debts of gratitude and certainly a respect for their privacy and time.


what kind of document did he ask you to fill?

You couuld shaer, and ask him when he answer if he would like to have more.

If you have that attitude then you will set everyone here back by making us all seem like nuts. Please leave him alone. He owes you nothing.

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I’m not saying anyone owes me one.
If he doesn’t want to treat or give advice to people, he might as well have said so. - I’m a professor of Melcangi and I’m not your doctor.

That’s all.

You are acting like you think people owe you something. You are making demands, even if you personally think they are small, of someone who has been very generous to the community and owes you nothing. I frankly think you might owe him an apology for writing him without invitation. Hopefully you were very respectful and apologetic for writing him out of the blue in your email.

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I don’t need to be taught how and who to write. You can’t read very well. I already answered your question why I wrote and how.
I’d like to finish this conversation.

I wrote to Melcangi about a year ago. A very considerate guy. I don’t see any direct harm in contacting him, as long as you don’t get ‘naggy’. Keep it short and polite and don’t forget to thank him for all he is doing and all he has done to now.

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Who are you talking to? This guy’s paranoid.

You dont have to ask permission to write to somebody… thats weird lol :smiley:

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Contacting Melcangi is not really a problem (you received a genial reply, no harm done), but with regards to this

In posting “No response was received. Complete silence”, you give the impression that you are surprised, or even unhappy that you haven’t been replied to sooner (I’m aware that English isn’t your first language so apologies if I’ve mischaracterised your feelings there). Melcangi is the Head of Neuroendocrinology at the University of Milan. He is doubtlessly an incredibly busy man and probably had a backlog of work after returning from the Christmas and new year’s break. It has only been 4 work days since you sent your form back to him. For perspective, you’d be hard pressed to get a GP’s appointment within four work days here in the UK. He is not a clinician but a PhD researcher. Furthermore, it is unlikely he would have any ideas to share with regards to a treatment given that he recently said much more research was needed just to elucidate the etiology of the condition.

I wouldn’t be too downbeat that he hasn’t replied yet; give him some more time.