I can't gain muscle at all. it's scary

First of all, sorry for my english i’m not fluent

I took dutasterid for a year and stopped taking it about a year ago
and i have this crazy symtom
No matter how hard i exercise, i can’t gain muscle at all
When I exercise in the gym, I get a lot of muscle pain the next day and it lasts for a week
It’s so intense that I can’t stretch my arms properly (When i work out my biceps i cannot even stretch my arms for a week because of muscle soreness)
It used to last only 2 days before i took dutasteride
Because of this muscle pain, I don’t want to exercise, but if I don’t exercise, I start to lose weight rapidly and I can’t build up my muscles again
I feel like i’m cursed and it makes me so depressed
And i got fat around my abdomen and I can’t get rid of it no matter how much I exercise
I can never get muscles and my face looks less manly
Anyone else experiencing similar symptoms or recovering from this?

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Hey man,

I’ve been working out my whole life. I took finasteride for 2 months last summer. I also have trouble with working out now, I am WAY more fatigued now and muscle pain lasts much much longer.

Yes maybe is a type of ar silecing…

I don’t even know if I can workout now. Unfortunately another side effect that is not going to be easily recognised, because “you look normal to me”

E’ iniziata così anche per me non gli ho dato peso ed ho continuato a perdere massa adesso cammino male ed ho dolori costanti non riesco a fare quasi nulla i danni subiti dai muscoli sono enormi