I can have an orgasm when Im not really hard...is this possible?

Something weird has happened with me post propecia… I can finish without even being remotely hard. It’s so weird. I don’t get how it’s even possible but it really happens! Plus, it seems like it keeps getting thinner and shorter. Is this gonna stop at any time? I wasn’t that huge to begin with so it’s really kind of ridiculous.

I guess my sex drive is so gone , nobody is gonna see it anyway…but what do you think about this orgasm thing? It’s really weird.

Yea, a few members have reported ejaculation while flaccid or semi flaccid. It’s happened to me a few times as well since quitting.

As for what it could be… who knows… could be due to reduced erectile function from prostate damage, penile tissue changes etc, and reduced nitric oxide synthase activity in the penis such that you can’t stay as hard, but can still orgasm.

Thanks mew - interesting how much i have in common with everyone here. I read most of the stickies but im not sure if there is a real standard treatment (yet) for all of this stuff… i just dont get why things are not back to normal after only 4 mos on and 2 mos off. I wonder how much viagra would help? Or, would i just get dependent on that? I read somewhere in the board that it’s good to sort of “make yoruself” have erections daily (which wasn’t a problem at 21 pre-propecia, but now im 28 and post-propecia so i have almost no interest in masturbation really) to maintain the penis size / flow of blood, etc. Is there anytihng else (aside from the supplement list) that I’m missing w/o going to an endocrinologist. I’ve found endos tend to be woefully uninformed.